Sabbath A Day of Worship Not Sunday Beware
There was
a time when “Sabbath day” only meant the seventh day of the week, but in these
days “Sabbath day” or “Seventh day” also means the name of churches or
religious groups. A Christian Church group should not be married to Sabbath Law
under the Old Covenant. There is New Covenant, which replaced the Old Covenant.
Sabbath Law enforcement is an enforcement of the Old Covenant, which is not
relevant in the New Covenant. One ought not be enforcing an old agreement into
the terms of a new agreement unless the new agreement or new contract stated
that a term(s) or condition(s) of the old agreement is applicable in the new
agreement. Note my use of the word, “Enforce.”
or the Jewish religion that is based on Torah (Laws of Moses) observe the
Sabbath days because it was commanded to them in the Old Covenant at Mount
Sinai. But Christianity is the Faith that the Lord Jesus Christ brought, not
Moses. There is a change. There is difference between the two.
cannot be practicing Judaism and Christianity at the same time, even though the
same God of the Jews then is the God of the Christians today. It is wrong to
put New Wine into an Old Wine Bottle (Mark 2:22).
Do not
get me wrong, Christianity is not lawless because Christianity entails the law
of God written in one’s heart and placed on one’s mind. What Christianity will
not enforce or apply is the Law of Moses, but the law of Christ (1 Corinthians
9:21). This differentiates between “The Law of Moses” and “The Law of Christ.”
And this differentiates between “The commandments of Moses” and “The
commandments of Christ.”
Now both
Moses and the Lord Jesus Christ were sent by God to relate with men in their
own times. So the law or commandments that came by Moses or by Jesus Christ
were all the Law and commandments of God. But even though the Laws of Moses
came from God, I am not under Moses or his law because I follow Jesus Christ.
Following Jesus Christ is enough for me to keep God’s law and commandments; I
do not need to go down to Moses to hear from him again. Even Moses stated
saying, “The LORD your God will raise up to you a Prophet from the midst of
you, of your brothers, One like me. To Him you shall listen...” [Deuteronomy
18:15-19]. So Moses pointed men to follow the Lord Jesus when He comes (John
5:46-47). The law came by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ (John
1:17). It is now time to listen to grace and to truth, not to the law or to the
commandments of the tablets of stones.
Sabbath Law
Sabbath Law is a very controversial law, not only among Christian groups but
even in the Bible. It is not the Sabbath Rest that is controversial but the
Sabbath Law. There are some reasons the “Sabbath Law” is very controversial in
the scriptures. They include:
→ 1 ← one reason the Sabbath Law is
controversial is because it conflicts with the Law of Circumcision. The Sabbath
Law commanded “No Work” must be done on the seventh day, but the Law of
Circumcision that came before the Sabbath Law overruled the Sabbath Law by the
enforcement of circumcising any male child that happens to be Eight day old on
the seventh day’s Sabbath. So though the Sabbath Law was found among the Ten
Commandments among which the Circumcision Law was not found, yet the
Circumcision Law that was not among the Ten Commandments overruled the Sabbath
Law that was among the Ten Commandments (John 7:22-24). This is not implying
Christians enforce either the Sabbath Law or the law of circumcision; but to
express contradictions in the Old Law.
There was
a place in Ezekiel where Sabbath Law was referred as “Sign” of the covenant between
God and the people (Ezekiel 20:12); but there had already existed a “Sign” of a
covenant between God and those people who were descendant of Abraham by
Circumcision (Romans 4:11). We Christians do not need Sabbath Law as Sign of
the covenant between God and us as Jews would need in “Ezekiel 20:12.”
This is
because “the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom: But we
preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumblingblock, and to the Greeks
foolishness; But to them who are called (Christians), both Jews and Greeks,
Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God” [1 Corinthians 1:22-24]
→ 2 ← another reason the Sabbath Law
is controversial is because it conflicts with “Good-works.” The Sabbath Law
commanded “No Work” must be done on the seventh day, and by so doing condemned
even “goodworks.” Ironically, those Christian groups that have allegiance to
the Sabbath Law believe in works under the law but they keep the Sabbath Law
that forbade works on the Seventh Day. If you are a Seventh Day believer, why
do you still believe in Works for salvation since the Seventh Day Law forbids
Day Law is a law that forbids any work to the done in it, whether it is good
work or evil work. Therefore, Seventh Day Law is against goodworks as well as
against evil works: It is just against works to be done in that day. Now the
Lord Jesus did “Goodworks” on a Seventh Day, but the Seventh Day Law
enforcement agents persecuted and planned to kill the Lord Jesus for “Healing
people” on the Sabbath Day (John 5:9-17, Luke 13:10-16, Matthew 12:10-14). The
Lord Jesus even asked the Seventh day Sabbath Law enforcement brethren, saying,
“Is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath days, or to do evil? To save life, or
to kill?” But they held their peace.” [Mark 3:4]
Which one
is correct between these questions: Are we saved by works of the Law in order
to do “no work” on the Sabbath Day? Or are we saved by grace through faith
without works but in order to do goodworks? Surely, we are saved by grace
through faith without works but in order to continue doing good works. As it is
written, “For by grace you are saved through faith, and that not of yourselves,
it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His
workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to good works, which God has before
ordained that we should walk in them.” [Ephesians 2:8-10]
→ 3 ← a third reason the Sabbath Law
is controversial is because the Law made the Sabbath to the Lord, but the Lord
made the Sabbath for man. Moses said the Sabbath was “To the Lord” and men did
not find bread or food (Manna) outside in the field to eat during the Sabbath
(Exodus 16:23-30). But on the other hand, the Lord Jesus said the Sabbath was
for man and His disciples found food to eat outside in the farm (Mark 2:23-28).
→ 4 ← a fourth reason the Sabbath Law
was controversial is because it shuts the gates of Jerusalem but opens the gate
of the temple or synagogue during the Sabbath days. Doors to the house of God
were opened that day, but the doors to the city of God were shut that day.
When the
Sabbath Law was mentioned among the Ten Commandments the law referred to the
people within their gates. So gates were mentioned when the fourth commandment
was analyzed (Exodus 20:10). Those gates meant borders or country, meaning it
was an exclusive border and not an inclusive border. There were gates or bounds
to those commanded to keep the Sabbath law, not everyone. These are for the
children of Israel and for strangers who are within the land borders or gates
of Israel. Those strangers may not keep those days outside those borders, but
when they are in the borders or gates of Israel they just have to keep the “No
work” or “Work free” day compulsorily.
You don’t
expect someone like Daniel to be keeping Sabbath days while he was in
government service in the land of Babylon or in the Land of Persia. Paul did
not preach the doctrines of the Sabbath law to the Gentiles when he walked
their lands with the gospel of Christ outside Israel, neither did Jesus Christ
observe Sabbath when He was in the grave inside Hell: For the Lord Jesus was
busy spoiling Principalities and Powers of darkness, setting free and giving
life to the dead even during the Sabbath day of the Passover.
Now gates
of Jerusalem (Israel’s land borders) were to be shut during the Sabbath days
(Deuteronomy 5:14), although the gates of the Temple were to be opened (Ezekiel
enforced the shutting of the gates of Jerusalem during the Sabbath days
(Nehemiah 13:19-21). Nehemiah did very well in rebuilding the walls and gates
of Jerusalem, and fortifying the City. However, there was something Nehemiah
did to keep the Sabbath Law of the Old Covenant which would not be relevant in
the New Covenant. He forbade entrance of marketers through the gates into the
city on the Sabbath days, but he made the security men to work during those
Sabbath days by manning the gates. He was forcing the gates of Jerusalem to
keep the Sabbath days by being shut without allowing anyone entrance on the
Sabbath days into the city, but in the process he was making the security men
and gate men to work by those gates. Why were the security personnel not
observing the Sabbaths also?
also prophesied to enforce the shutting of the gates to the entrance of burden
or goods through the gates into the city on the Sabbath days (Jeremiah
17:21-27). According to the prophecy of Jeremiah, if the gates of Jerusalem
were shut against burdens moving in or moving out during the Sabbath days, then
the Lord will cause kings and rulers to move in through those gates bringing
offerings and sacrifices to the house of God. So the gates of the city had to
be shut for the doors of the Lord’s house to be opened. But if on the other
hand gates of Jerusalem were not shut against burdens moving in or moving out
during the Sabbath days, then the Lord would kindle fire in those gates that
shall devour the entire city of Jerusalem (Jeremiah 17:21-27).
But we
Christians on the other hand have another Jerusalem of Heaven, which is not the
same Jerusalem that the Sabbath law had power to shut its gates against anyone
or against any burden. The Jerusalem of heaven, New Jerusalem, has gates that
shall never be shut either day or night; yet the kings of the earth shall enter
through those gates bringing their offerings and glories into the city at the
throne of God. As it is written, “And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God
Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. And the city had no need of the
sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it,
and the Lamb is the light thereof. And the nations of them who are saved shall
walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and
honour into it. And the gates of the city shall not be shut at all by day: for
there shall be no night there. And they shall bring the glory and honour of the
nations into it. And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that
defiles, neither whatsoever works abomination, or makes a lie: but those who are
written in the Lamb's book of life.” [Revelation 21:22-27]
cited “Isaiah 66:22-23” to defend the Sabbath day, saying, “For as the new
heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the
LORD, so shall your seed and your name remain. And it shall come to pass, that
from one new moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh
come to worship before me, saith the LORD.” [Isaiah 66:22-23]. And in response,
I told him to wait until enter the New Heaven and the New Earth to know which
day of the week will then be the Sabbath Day, seeing this old earth has a
Sabbath day that fell on the Seventh Day. But God is making another Earth, and
we shall know which of the Day He will rest after completing the works to declare
that day the Sabbath Day. Moreover, Isaiah did not say they shall worship the
Lord on one Sabbath day and another, but “From” one Sabbath day to another. So
worshipping God will spread continuously throughout the week, and not just on
one day. Every day shall be the day of worshipping God, and every month shall
be for worshipping the LORD.
→ 5 ← a fifth reason the Sabbath Law
is controversial is because the Law of the Sabbath stated that the Sabbath day
is the time when “no man can work,” but the Lord Jesus changed that by saying,
the Night is the time when “no man can work.” He even made that statement
during the Sabbath day when He was about to heal a man born blind. As it is
written, “I must work the works of Him who sent Me, while it is day. Night
comes when no man can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the Light of the
world.” [John 9:4-5]
We were
made to believe that God rested on the seventh day from all His works, but we
were not made to also see that God was refreshing during the nights each of
those six days from each of the day’s work. God usually saw the works He did in
each day and saw that it was good, and then the evening and the morning would
be counted for the day (Genesis 1). That moment God usually saw and appraised
His work was a refreshing moment for God before the next day work commenced.
The Spirit of God moved when darkness had not witnessed the light of the first
day, and the Spirit of God still moved even while God rested on the Seventh day
atleast to bless and sanctify that day. If God did not work that seventh day He
rested, atleast other things worked on that seventh day to bring that day to
pass. The sun arose that day and set that day, and the wind blew that day: The
creation worked while the Creator rested.
The Lord
Jesus has given us a deeper revelation that the Father works until now even
during the Sabbath, and He too works the work of His Father. As it is written,
“And therefore the Jews persecuted Jesus and sought to kill Him, because He had
done these things on the Sabbath day. But Jesus answered them, My Father works
until now, and I work” [John 5:16-17]
Do not
prevent goodworks because of Sabbath law enforcements, and do not prevent the
works of God (miracles) because of the Sabbath law enforcements. The True Rest
of God does not come through the Sabbath Law but through the gift of Jesus
Christ that comes as Promise. Hear the Word of Promise of Rest → “Come to Me all
you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke on
you and learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you shall find rest
to your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.” [Matthew
11:28-30]. This is not the rest that rejects burden by rejecting works on the
Sabbath day; rather this is the Rest that takes up the burden and yoke of the
Lord of Rest. Jesus Christ: For His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
This rest
of Sabbath has moved from a mere commandment on the Tablet of stones to a
Promise Rest of Jesus Christ through faith (Hebrews 4:1-12). Even the Spirit of
God Promised Rest to those who will die in the Lord now on, and they shall have
their works follow them while they enter the rest [Revelation 14:13]
Sabbath Law has lost its judgment, and its no longer relevant in judgment
(Colossians 2:16). God has revealed a different view to the entire
understanding of the Sabbath and the Rest. The Rest God speaks of now in the
New Testament grace is not like the one they kept in the Old Covenant as
seventh day no work that shut the gates; rather this is the rest that opens the
gates so that men could enter into the city of rest or Promised Land of Rest.
So we enter into this New Rest to cease from work, and we do not have to wait
for Sabbath to come before we enter but we enter into the Rest any day called
“Today.” Today is the day that replaced the Seventh Day for entering the Rest
of God and ceasing from working to Rest. As it is written, “For He spoke in a
certain place of the seventh day in this way: "And God rested on the
seventh day from all His works." And in this place again He said,
"They shall not enter into My rest." Then it remains that some must
enter into the rest, and since those to whom the gospel was first preached did
not enter in because of unbelief, God again marks out a certain day, saying in
David, "Today," (after so long a time). Even as it is said, "Today,
if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts." For if Joshua had
given them rest in the Promised Land, then He would not afterward have spoken
of another day. So then there remains a rest to the people of God. For he who
has entered into his rest, he also has ceased from his own works, just as God
did from His. Therefore let us labor to enter into that rest, lest anyone fall
after the same example of unbelief.” [Hebrews 4:4-11]
OmenAni-The truth and Faithfulness of YHWH
Religion of Abraham and the Ancient Hebrew –Israelites)
Chukwunonso Ajufo
(Nwa Onihe Ogene Agidi
In Psalm 101:6 king David tells us ‘mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me: he that walketh in a perfect way he shall serve me. In psalm 31:23 we are told O love YHWH, all ye his saints: for YHWH preserveth the faithful, and plentifully rewardeth the proud doer .In fact the Most High is called the faithful Elohim in Deut 7:9.In Psalm 119:90-91 we are told “thy faithfulness is unto all generations: thou hast established the earth, and it abideth”. Nabi Hosea says in Hosea 2:20 “I will betroth thee unto me in faithfulness: and thou shall know me YHWH”. In this article we are going to establish the relationship between faith, faithfulness, believe and truth as it affects the Way of life that was handed to Abraham and the Ancient Israelites. At this juncture permit me to ask what was the the Religion of Abraham and what did he hand over to his descendants? Throughout the Sacred Scripture we have been told about the way of YHWH (Derekh YHWH) which is the way of life given to the House of Israel. In Gen 18:19 we are told of Abraham “ for I know him ,that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of YHWH, to do justice and judgment; that YHWH may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him. From this we see that Abraham on himself had to work with the Most High according to his ways. What were those ways called? Many have called the patriarch a Jew, and the revelation which is the way of life the Most High covenanted with him Judaism, but does the Torah say so?. Did the Most High call his way of life to his people Judaism, christianianity, Islam, Hinduism , etc ? We are going to find out in this article what the ways were called.
In Psalm 101:6 king David tells us ‘mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me: he that walketh in a perfect way he shall serve me. In psalm 31:23 we are told O love YHWH, all ye his saints: for YHWH preserveth the faithful, and plentifully rewardeth the proud doer .In fact the Most High is called the faithful Elohim in Deut 7:9.In Psalm 119:90-91 we are told “thy faithfulness is unto all generations: thou hast established the earth, and it abideth”. Nabi Hosea says in Hosea 2:20 “I will betroth thee unto me in faithfulness: and thou shall know me YHWH”. In this article we are going to establish the relationship between faith, faithfulness, believe and truth as it affects the Way of life that was handed to Abraham and the Ancient Israelites. At this juncture permit me to ask what was the the Religion of Abraham and what did he hand over to his descendants? Throughout the Sacred Scripture we have been told about the way of YHWH (Derekh YHWH) which is the way of life given to the House of Israel. In Gen 18:19 we are told of Abraham “ for I know him ,that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of YHWH, to do justice and judgment; that YHWH may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him. From this we see that Abraham on himself had to work with the Most High according to his ways. What were those ways called? Many have called the patriarch a Jew, and the revelation which is the way of life the Most High covenanted with him Judaism, but does the Torah say so?. Did the Most High call his way of life to his people Judaism, christianianity, Islam, Hinduism , etc ? We are going to find out in this article what the ways were called.
Before we
establish what they were called, it is good to show how the Most HIGH revealed
himself to Abraham and to the Ancient Israelites. In Gen 15:1 we are told
“after these things the words of YHWH, came unto Abram in a vision, saying,
fear not, Abram: I AM thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward. In Gen 15:7
we are told ‘And he said unto him, I AM YHWH that brought thee out of UR of the
Chaldees, to give thee this land to inherit It. The Hebrew word translated I AM
is Ani. SO what it means is that the Most High revealed himself to Abraham as
Ani YHWH in Gen 15:7.The Most High revealed himself to Abraham as Ani YHWH.
Throughout the torah the MOST HIGH REECHOES it I AM YHWH. In exodus 6:2,6,8,29
the Most High says I AM YHWH (Ani YHWH) In exodus 10:2,exo 14:4,exo 20:2,exo
29:46 the MOST HIGH repeats Ani YHWH. In lev 18:2,5-6,lev 19:4,12,14,lev
26:13,lev 26:14. In numbers 3:35,,num 15:41.In Deut 5:6,Deut 29:6 the Most HIGH
revealed himself to ancient Israel as Ani YHWH.
Through the prophets the MOST HIGH revealed himself as Ani YHWH. Isa
42:6, Isa 48:7,Jer 1:19,Jer 24:7,Ezek 11:10,Eze 12:20,Joel 2:27 and Malachi
3:6.In all these places, the strength of Israel declares I AM YHWH which is ANI
YHWH. Note that in line with Psalm 68:4 YHWH is also rendered as YAH. So Ani
YHWH is also rendered as Ani Yah shortened ANIA and further shortened ANI. Note
the Most HIGH was called Ania and Ani by the ancient Hebrew-Israelites. At this
juncture haven established the name the Most High called himself let us see
what he called his way of life ,the belief or truth he handed over to ancient
Hebrew –Israelites, starting from Abraham the first Hebrew. In Gen 15:6-7 we
are told “and he believed in YHWH , and he counted it to him for righteousness
7 And he said unto him I am YHWH that brought thee out of UR of the chaldees,
to give thee this land to inherit it”. In exodus 4:5 we are told “that they
believed that YHWH Elohim of their fathers, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim
of Isaac, and the Yacob, hath appeared unto thee”. In exodus 14:31 we are told
‘ and Israel saw that great work which YHWH did upon the Egyptians :and the
people believed YHHW ,and believed his servant Moses’. We have shown that the
ELOHIM of the Hebrew-Israelites revealed himself as Ania shortened Ani.
Now what was that believe of Ani called? In 2 chronicles 20:20 we are
told ‘And they rose early in the morning ,and went forth into the wilderness of
Tekoa and as they went forth, Jehoshaphat stood and said ,hear me O Yehudah,
and ye inhabitants of Yerusalem; Believe in YHWH your Elohim, so shall you ye
be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.’ According to
Strongs Hebrew dictionary of the Bible the words rendered believe, believed,
faithful, is word 539 which is Aman. So the believe, faith, faithfulness the
Most High revealed to Abraham was called Aman. This shows/proves that the
believe in Ania the ELOHIM of the ancient Hebrew-Israelite is AmanAnia which is
also the Believe in ANI, called AmanAni. Note ancient HEBREWS called the
worship of the Most HIGH AMANANI.
In the
book of Isaiah we have very vital information, in Isaiah 25:1 We are told “O
YHWH, thou art my Elohim,I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name, for thou
hast done wonderful things ,thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth”.
Note the revelations, which is the faith and believe is both faithfulness and
truth. According to Strongs the word rendered faithfulness is word 539 which is
aman and it means to build up or support, to foster, as a parent, or nurse to
make firm, or faithful, to trust or believe, to be permanent, or quiet to be
true. While the word rendered truth above is word 544 which is omen which is
derived from 539 being aman. And the word omen means verity, truth. NOTE that,
the believe, faith, truth of the Most High to ancient Hebrews was called AMAN
or OmenAni. HALLELUYAH the truth and faithfulness of Ani the Elohim of ancient
Hebrews was called AmanAni or OmenAni.
the truth and faithful way of life revealed to his people was also called
Omenhara(OmenAla) because this message was also revealed on the Moutain of the
Elohim of Israel in order for it to be the way of life or faith of his people
and for it to be the guiding principle of their life, land and Country. In
exodus 3:1 we are told “Now Moses Kept the flock of Yethro his father-in-law,
the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and
came to the mountain of Elohim, even to Horeb. In verse 12 of exodus chapter 3
we are told “and he said, certainly I will be with thee ; that I have sent
thee: When thou hast brought forth the people out of Egypt, ye shall serve
Elohim upon this mountain. In exodus 25:40 we are told “look that thou make
them after their pattern, which was shown thee in the mount. Note the revelation
about how to worship the Most High was shown in the mount of Ani. Exodus 24:13
tells us ‘And Moses rose up, and his minister Joshua: and Moses went into the
mount of Elohim. The glory of Ani abode upon mount Sinai (exodus 24:16).This is
repeated throughout the book of exodus. In lev 25:1 we are told ‘And YHWH spoke
unto Moses in mount Sinai ‘…….In all these places we have read the Hebrew word
for mount and mountain is word 2022 according to Strongs is Har a short form of
2042 which is hara and Har means a mountain,or a range of hills, country, mount
and promotion. The revelation of the Most High on the Mountain of the Elohim of
Israel was called OMENHARA. Note that Hara also represented their country that
is the land they do dwell.
We have
also shown that the ancient called the way of Ani Omenahara. Another term the
ancient called this path is ODINANI which is a word gotten from three Hebrew
words O =Ayin,Dina and Ani.We have earlier established that the word Ani is the
Elohim of Israel. We shall now explain the other two words Dina and Ayin.
The word dina is related to the name Dinah which was the name of the
Daughter of Yacob. In Genesis 34:1 we are told ‘And Dinah the daughter of Leah,
which she bare unto Yacob, went out to see the daughters of the land’.
According to Strongs dictionary of the Hebrew BIBLE Dinah is word 1783 Diynah
meaning justice which is derived from the word 1779 diyn or duwn meaning
judgment. Note the word Dinah or diyn is rooted on to sit in judgment like a
judge. In Gen 30:6 we are told ‘And Rachel said , Elohim hath judged me ,and
hath also heard my voice ,and hath given me a son: therefore called she his
name Dan.’ In Gen 49:16 we are told ‘Dan shall judge his people ,as one of the
tribes of Israel.’ In Deut 32:36 we are told ‘For YHWH shall judge his people,
and repent himself for his servants, when he seeth that their power is gone ,
and there is none shut up, or left’. In Psalm 72:2 we are told ‘ He shall judge
thy people with righteousness and thy poor with judgment.
In all these places quoted the word translated judge, and judgment is
word 1777 diyn which means to rule, to judge ,also to strive (as at law) judge,
minister, plead,(the cause),at strife, strive. The word O is Ayin which
represents the eye which has a lot of symbolism. In Deut 32:10 we are told ‘He
found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness; he led him
about, he instructed him, he kept him as the apple of his eyes. In Proverbs 7:2
we are told ‘keep my commandments , and live and my law as the apple of thine
eyes’. In Proverbs 15:3 we are told ‘The eyes of YHWH are in every place
,beholding the evil and the good’. Ezra 5:5 tells us the eye of their Elohim
was upon the elders of the Yehudah, that they could not cause them to cease,
till the matter came to Darius: and then they returned answer by letter
concerning this matter “Psalm 32:8 Says “I will instruct thee and teach thee in
the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with my eyes.”Note that ayin is
associated with what the Most High uses to guide us.
Ayin which represents what the Most High anchors his word is a guide. In
all these places we have seen that ayin which is the eye of the Most High is
the letter O which represents the light of Ani the Most High. So with the
combined effect of O + DIN +ANI, you have odinAni, which is the sum total of
the way of life that is anchored on the Supra-natural Being Ani. This is there
to guide us where ever we live as our dwelling place. There is a great
symbolism here ,note of all that the Most High has given us as a guide they all
start with Ayin which represents the eye of the Most High which is his light
that guides us into all truth. OmenAni, OmenAhara and OdinAni all start with
ayin reminding us that they are the eye of the Most High as the true guide. The
Hebrews word emun(faith,truth),emunah(faith) and amen(verity ,so be it, firmly
establish) are also rooted in the word aman as such they are of the same
etymology with omen.
Of all
the Hebrew-Israelites, the worshippers of the source of power of Abraham ,Isaac
and Yacob scattered all over the world it should be noted, that all the three
revelations of the Most High vis avis OmenAni, OmenAra and OdinAni the three
ancient expression of the Truth and Faith of Abraham, Isaac ,and Yacob as
recorded in the Torah and Miqra has been retained in the IGBO LANGUAGE, despite
many years in diaspora. Now let see more symbolism in the Igbo language and
what the torah says about his revelations. In Igbo language the sun is called
ANYANWU meaning the eye of YANWU, note that we have been told that it is the
Ayin YHWH which is the eye of YHWH that guides us. Why is the sun called the
eye of YANWU(YHWH)In Igbo ,and indeed in the Hebrew language the sun as a
source of light, represents the eye of the Most High to direct the path of his
people .
In Psalm38:10 the eyes are
associated with light. It is through the combined operation of the luminaries
of heaven as ordered by the Most High that we are able to keep the appointed
times. It is the great light of heaven that guides us into all sacred
appointments when it gives out its light and the moon is able to reflect this
light out as written in Genesis 1:14-16.It directs us to keep all appointed
time. It is then that the moon becomes a faithful ( aman/omen) witness. The
lights of heaven are represented as Ayin the circle,or letter O or eye. In Igbo
also as in ancient Hebrew, OmenAni, OmenAhara and OdinAna expresses the Way of
life given to man for him to be a piller,be nourished, and live a good life on
earth. The way of life or the Religion, spirituality of Abraham was called
OmenAni, OmenAhara, and OdinAni. Ancient Hebrews and Hebrew-Israelites did not
practice Christianity,neither was their faith called Juadism. This way of life
,the Way of YHWH is the ancient path,DEREKH CHAYYIM AND Derekh YHWH. Let us go
back to the faith of our fathers, the Most High only gave us these. Our
ancestors and NDI ICHIE (sages) tell us OdinAni adi ana ana-ana, OmenAni adi aya-aya.
The truth and faithful ways of life never dies, and they can never be abandoned
for in it lies our greatness. Psalm 100:5 says ‘for YHWH is good; his mercy is
everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations’
Finally I
want to end this write up by calling all people of the world who have been
called into the faith of Abraham to go back to OmenAni,I call my Igbo brothers
and sisters to abandon all the ways of the foreign idolatrous nations embedded
in all the many ISMS, which was not part of the covenant of the Most High. And
let us go back to the Torah which is the ways of our fathers the Path of
OmenAni and it shall be well with us. shalom.
Please endeavour to read
the whole text.
I do not need to convince anyone
again. Read it from the horse's mouth. this message is a warning directly from
our Lord Jesus to those that pray to Mary to intercede for them, those that
listens to secular music and those that still live in sin. read for yourself.
In this classic testimony for a
period of Angelica 1st 23 hours, Angelica Zambrano was shown Heaven and Hell,
and the Return of Christ. She witnessed Michael Jackson, Selena and a Pope
burning in Hell and satanic traps for children, and was told the truth about
Mary and idolatry. She was shown Heaven is all
wonderfully prepared and ready, an unimaginable glorious place. Jesus is ONLY coming back for a Holy People, and many Christian’s are Not Yet Ready. This summary post begins at the start of experience, see the video for the full version with all the lead up. (Read, Re-read & Share to others as it has so many key eternal issues)
wonderfully prepared and ready, an unimaginable glorious place. Jesus is ONLY coming back for a Holy People, and many Christian’s are Not Yet Ready. This summary post begins at the start of experience, see the video for the full version with all the lead up. (Read, Re-read & Share to others as it has so many key eternal issues)
ANGELICA: At that moment I hear
the Lord’s voice, a beautiful voice with thunder and love, “Fear not, Daughter,
for I am Jehovah, Your God, and I have come here to show you what I have
promised you. Arise, for I am Jehovah, who holds you by your right hand and
tells you, Fear not, I will help you.” Suddenly, I arose. I had been kneeling
down, looking at my body, wanting to get back in but not being able to. When I
heard His voice, fear had left me, and I was no longer scared.
As I started walking, the angels
began to open a path. There was a strong light shining, and as I gazed at it, I
felt peace. As I looked, I saw a beautiful, tall, elegant, muscular man. Light
was projecting from Him. There was too much light for me to see His face! But I
could see His beautiful hair of brilliant gold and a white garment with a wide
golden girdle that crossed His chest. It read, “KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF
I looked at His feet, He was
wearing shiny golden sandals, of brilliant gold. He was so beautiful! He
extended His hand to me. When I took His hand, it wasn’t like when I touched my
body, my hand did not go through it. I asked, “What is happening?” And He said,
“I am going to show you hell, so that you return and tell humanity that hell is
real; that hell exists. And also, My glory will I show you, for you to tell My
people to be prepared, for My glory is real and I am real.” He said, “Daughter,
do not fear”- He said it again and I said, “Lord, it’s just that I want to go
to heaven, but not hell, because I’ve heard that it’s horrible!” He said,
“Daughter, I will be with you. I will not leave you in that place and I am
going to show you that place because there are many who know that hell exists,
but they have no fear. They believe it’s a game, that hell is a joke, and many
don’t know about it. That is why I am going to show you that place, because
there are more that perish than those that are entering My glory.” When He said
that, I could see tears streaming down to His garments. I asked Him, “Lord, why
are you crying?” He replied, “Daughter, because there are more that perish, and
I will show you this, so that you will go and tell the truth and so that you
will not return to that place.”
Suddenly, as He was speaking,
everything started to move. The Earth shook and split open, and I saw a very
dark hole below. We were standing on a sort of rock with angels surrounding us.
I said, “Lord, I don’t want to go to that place!” He said, “Daughter, do not
fear for I am with you.” In a split second we descended into the dark hole. I
tried to see but there was a terrible darkness. I did see a huge circle, and
hear millions of voices.
I was so hot, I felt my skin
burning. I asked, “Lord, what is this? I don’t want to go to this place!” The
Lord said that this was just the tunnel to hell. There was a horrible,
repulsive and nauseating smell, and I begged Jesus not to take me. He
responded, “Daughter, it is necessary for you to come and know this place.” I
cried, “But why, Lord, why?” And He said, ‘so that you can tell the truth to
humanity; humanity perishes, it’s lost and few are entering My Kingdom.” In
saying this, He would weep. His words strengthened and encouraged me, so I
continued walking.
We arrived at the end of a
tunnel, when I looked down I saw an abyss covered in flames. The Lord said
“Daughter, I give this to you.” It was a large binder with blank sheets of
paper. “Daughter, take this pencil so that you can write all that I will show
you, what you will see and hear. You will write everything as you are observing
it, as you will live it.” I said, “Lord, I will do it, but I am already seeing
so much, Lord. I am seeing souls being tormented, and immense flames.” Then we
started to descend into the abyss! I started to cry and scream, “Lord, no, no,
no, no- I don’t want to go!” and He would reply, “You need to see this.”
I saw horrible demons, of all
types, both large and small. They were running so fast, and carrying something
in their hands. “Lord, why are they running like that and what are they
carrying?” He answered, “Daughter, they run that way because they know their
time is running out, because time is so short to destroy humanity and
especially My people. That which they carry in their hands are darts to destroy
humanity, because each demon is given a name and according to the name that is
given to them, they have a dart to destroy that person and bring them to this
place; their goal is to destroy that person and bring them to hell.” And I
would see the demons running and exiting toward Earth and He told me. “They are
going to Earth to bring and throw humanity into this place.” As He said this He
would weep, He would weep so very much. He was weeping all the time and I would
cry too.
The Lord said to me, “Are you
ready to see what I am going to show you?” “Yes, Lord,” I said. He took me to a
cell where I could see a young man being tormented among the flames. I noticed
that the cell was enumerated, though I couldn’t understand the numbers, they
seemed to be backward. There was a huge plaque in that cell, and the young man
had the number “666” on his forehead. He also had a big metallic plate that was
encrusted into his skin. The worms that were eating him, were unable to damage
that plate; neither did the flames burn it. He screamed, “Lord, have mercy on
me. Take me out of this place. Forgive me, Lord!” But Jesus would respond,
“It’s late, too late: I gave you opportunities and you would not repent.”
I asked Jesus, “Lord, why is he
here?” Then I recognized him. On Earth, this young man knew the Word of God,
but abruptly he walked away from the Lord, preferring alcohol, drugs and
walking on the wrong path. He did not want to follow the way of the Lord. Jesus
warned him many times on what could happen to him. Jesus said, “Daughter, he is
in this place because anyone who rejects My word already has a judge: The Word
that I have spoken will judge him in that last day,” (John 12:48) and then
Jesus wept.
When the Lord weeps, it’s
different than we do. He would weep with this pain in His heart and He would
sob profoundly. “I did not create hell for humanity,” Jesus said. So I asked
Him, “Then why is humanity here, Lord?” He answered, “Daughter, I created hell
for satan and his angels, who are the demons; (Matt. 25:41)but, because of sin
and the lack of repentance, humanity ends here, and there are more that perish
than those who reach My glory!” (Matt 7:14) He continued weeping and it would
hurt me so much to see how He cried. “Daughter, I gave My life for humanity, so
that it would not perish, so that it would not end up in this place. I gave My
life out of love and mercy, so that humanity would proceed to repentance and
could enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” Jesus would moan as someone who could no
longer withstand the pain, that’s how much pain He felt watching the people
Being with Jesus, made me feel
safe. I thought, “If I let go of the Lord, I’ll be stuck here!” I asked,
“Jesus, do I have relatives in this place.” He looked at me as I was crying and
He said, “Daughter, I am with you,” because I was so scared. He took me to
another cell. I never could have imagined seeing a relative of mine in that
cell. I saw this woman being tormented, she had worms that would eat her face
off, and demons would plunge a type of spear into her body. She would scream,
“No, Lord, have mercy on me, forgive me, please, take me out of this place for
one minute!” (Luke 16:24)
In Hell, people are tormented
with the memories of what they did on Earth. Demons would mock people and tell
them, “Worship and praise because this is your kingdom!” and the people would
scream remembering that they knew God, because they knew the Word. Those who
had known the Lord were tormented twofold.
The Lord said, “There is no other
opportunity [for those here]; there is still opportunity for those who are
alive.” I asked Him, “Lord, why is my great-grandmother here? I don’t know if
she ever knew you. Why is she here in hell, Lord?” He replied, “Daughter, she
is here because she failed to forgive…Daughter, he who does not forgive,
neither will I forgive him.”
I asked, “Lord, but You do
forgive, and You are merciful.” And He answered, “Yes, Daughter, but it is
necessary to forgive, because they have not forgiven many people, and that is
why many people are in this place, because they failed to forgive…Go and tell
humanity that it is time to forgive, and especially My people, for many of My
people have not forgiven. Tell them to rid themselves of grudges, of
resentment, of that hatred in their hearts, for it is time to forgive! If death
were to surprise that person who has failed to forgive, that person may go to
hell, for no one can purchase life.” When we left that place, my great
grandmother was engulfed in fire and she screamed, “Aaaah,” and began to
blaspheme the name of God, she would curse Him; every person in hell blasphemes
against God.
As we left that area, I could see
that hell was full of tormented souls. Many people would extend their hands
out, begging Jesus to help them and take them out of there. But the Lord could
not do anything for them and they would start blaspheming God. Then Jesus would
weep and say, “It hurts Me to hear them, it hurts Me to see what they do,
because I can no longer do anything for them. What I will tell you is that I
still have opportunity for he who is still on Earth, who has not yet died, who
is still alive; he still has time to repent!”
The Lord told me there were many
famous people in Hell, and also many people who had known about the Lord. He
said, “I am going to show you another part of the furnace.” We came to a place
where a woman was surrounded by flames. She was in great torment and would
scream, begging the Lord for mercy. Jesus pointed to her with his hand and told
me, “Daughter, that woman that you see over there, surrounded by flames, is
Selena.” As we started getting closer, she screamed, “Lord, have mercy on me,
forgive me Lord, take me out of this place!” But the Lord looked at her and
said, “It’s late, it’s too late. You cannot repent now.”
She saw me and said, “Please, I
beg you, go tell people about this, please speak out and do not be silent; go
and tell them not to come to this place; go and tell them not to listen to my
songs, nor sing my songs.” (1 John 2:15) So I asked her, “Why do you want me to
go and say that?” And she answered, “Because every time people sing and listen
to my songs, I am tormented even more, the person who does this, who sings and
listens to my songs, is walking to this place. Please, go tell them not to come
here; go tell them that hell is real!” She would scream and demons would hurl
spears from afar into her body and she would cry, “Help me, Lord, have mercy on
me, Lord!” But sadly, the Lord told her, “It is too late.”
I looked all over that area, it was full of singers and artists who have died. All they did was sing and sing, they wouldn’t stop singing. The Lord explained, “Daughter, the person who is here, must continue doing here, whatever they did on Earth, if they had not repented.” ((TAKE HEED of this warning regarding worldly music and throw it away!!))
I looked all over that area, it was full of singers and artists who have died. All they did was sing and sing, they wouldn’t stop singing. The Lord explained, “Daughter, the person who is here, must continue doing here, whatever they did on Earth, if they had not repented.” ((TAKE HEED of this warning regarding worldly music and throw it away!!))
As I was observing the area, I
noticed a lot of demons that were spilling down some type of rain. I actually
thought it was raining. But I noticed the people in flames running away from
the rain and shouting, “No, help me, Lord!…No, this can’t be,” and the demons
would laugh and tell the people, “Praise and worship because this is your
kingdom forever and ever!” I saw the flames increase and people’s worms would
multiply! There was no water there, it was brimstone that would multiply the
flames and increase each person’s anguish. I asked Jesus, “What’s
happening?…Lord, what is this?” The Lord replied, “This is the wages of anyone
who has not repented.” (Psalms 11:6)
Then the Lord took me to place
where there was a very well-known man. Before now, I used to live as a double
minded young Christian girl. I used to think that any person that died would go
to Heaven; that those who celebrated mass, would also go to heaven, but I was
wrong. When Pope John Paul II died, my friends and relatives would tell me that
he had gone to heaven. All the news on TV, on Extraand many other places would
say, “Pope John Paul II has died, may he rest in peace. He is now rejoicing
with the Lord and his angels in heaven” and I believed all of it. But I was
only fooling myself, because I saw him in Hell, being tormented by flames. I
looked at his face, it was John Paul II! The Lord said to me, “Look, Daughter,
that man that you see there, is Pope John Paul II. He is here in this place; he
is being tormented because he did not repent.”
But I asked, “Lord, why is he
here? He used to preach at church.” Jesus replied, “Daughter, no fornicator, no
idolater, no one who is greedy and no liar will inherit My Kingdom.”(Eph. 5:5)
I replied, “Yes, I know that is true, but I want to know why he is here,
because he used to preach to multitudes of people!” And Jesus responded, “Yes,
Daughter, he may have said many things, but he would never speak the truth as it
is. He never said the truth and they know the truth and although he knew the
truth, he preferred money over preaching about salvation. He would not offer
reality; would not say that hell is real and that heaven also exists; Daughter,
now he is here in this place.”
When I looked at this man, he had
a large serpent with needles, wrapped around his throat, and he would try to
take it off. I pleaded with Jesus, “Lord, help him!” The man would scream,
“Help me, Lord; have mercy on me; take me out of this place; forgive me! I
repent, Lord; I want to return to Earth, I want to go back to Earth to repent.”
The Lord observed him and said to him, “You very well knew. You knew very well
that this place was real…It’s too late; there is no other opportunity for you.”
The Lord said, “Look, Daughter, I am going to show you the life of this man.” Jesus showed me a huge screen on which I could observe how this man offered mass many times to the multitudes. And how the people who were there were so idolatrous. Jesus said, “Look, Daughter, there are many idolaters in this place. Idolatry will not save, Daughter. I am the only One who saves, and outside of Me, no one saves. I love the sinner, but I hate sin, Daughter. Go and tell humanity that I love them and that they need to come to Me.”
The Lord said, “Look, Daughter, I am going to show you the life of this man.” Jesus showed me a huge screen on which I could observe how this man offered mass many times to the multitudes. And how the people who were there were so idolatrous. Jesus said, “Look, Daughter, there are many idolaters in this place. Idolatry will not save, Daughter. I am the only One who saves, and outside of Me, no one saves. I love the sinner, but I hate sin, Daughter. Go and tell humanity that I love them and that they need to come to Me.”
As the Lord was speaking, I began
to see how this man received multitudes of coins and bills; money, all of which
he would keep. He had so much money. I saw images of this man seated on a
throne, but I was also able to see beyond that. While it’s true that these
people do not get married, I can assure you, I’m not making this up, the Lord
showed it to me, those people do sleep with nuns; with many women there! [1
The Lord showed me these people
living in fornication, and the Word says that no fornicator will inherit His
Kingdom. As I was watching all of this, the Lord told me, “Look Daughter, all
of this which I am showing you is what goes on, what he lived and what keeps on
happening among many people, among many priests and popes existing.” Then he
told me, “Daughter, go and tell humanity that it’s time to turn to Me.”
The Lord showed me a place where
many people were walking to hell. I asked Him, “Lord, how is it that they walk
to this place?” He replied, “I will show you.” He showed me a tunnel with many
people walking through it. These people were chained from hand to foot. They
were dressed in black and carrying a load on their back. Jesus said, “Look
Daughter, those people that you see there, those people don’t know Me yet. That
which they carry on their backs is sin, but go and tell them to turn their
burden over to Me, and I will give them rest; that I am He who forgives all
their sins…Daughter, go and tell those people to come to Me, for I await them
with open arms, and go tell them that they are walking to this place.”
As I was watching the people
walking, I said, “Lord, that person over there is my cousin; that young man is
my cousin, Lord, and that young girl coming down is also my cousin; my family
is coming to this place!” He replied, “Daughter, they are walking to this
place, but go and them where they are walking, go and tell them they are
walking to hell. Go and tell them that I have chosen you as my watchman…I have
chosen you as my watchman, for it means that you are to tell the truth. You
must go and tell all that I have shown you. If you do not speak out and
something happens to that person, his blood will be poured over you, but if you
go and do as I have told you, then that person has an account with me. If the
person does not repent, then the responsibility resting upon you will be
lifted, for the account will rest upon that person and his blood will not be
poured over you. (Ezekiel 3:18)”
Jesus told me that many famous
people were walking to that place, famous and important people. Take for
example, Michael Jackson. This man was famous all over the world but he was a
satanist. Although many people may not see it that way, but it is the truth.
This man had satanic covenants: He came to agreement with the devil in order to
achieve fame and attract many fans.
Those steps that he performed,
that’s the way I saw demons walk while tormenting people in hell. They would
slide backward and not move forward, while they shout; enjoying the anguish they
impose upon the people. Let me tell you that Michael Jackson is in hell. The
Lord showed him to me after Michael died. He let me see Michael Jackson
tormented in flames. I cried to Jesus, “Why?” It wasn’t easy to see how this
man was being tormented and how he would scream. Anyone who listens to Michael
Jackson’s songs or sings them or who is a fan of Michael Jackson, I warn you
that satan is trapping you in his web so that you will end up in hell. Right
now, renounce it in the name of Jesus! Jesus wants to set you free, so that you
will not be lost.
The Lord said, “Daughter, there
are also people who know Me, that are walking to this place.” I asked, “Lord,
how can people who know You also come here?” He replied, “That person who has
left My ways and that person who is living a double life.” He started showing
me people who were walking to Hell. They were tied from their hands to their
They each wore a white garment,
but it was torn, stained and wrinkled. Jesus said, “Daughter, see how My people
have walked away from Me. Daughter, I want to tell you that I am not coming for
these people. I am coming for a holy people, ready, without blemish, without
wrinkle and without defilement…Go and tell them to return to the old paths.”
(Eph. 5:26-27) I started to see many of my uncles and many other people who had
walked away from the Lord’s ways. “Go and tell them that I am waiting for them,
to surrender their loads to Me, and I will give them rest.” Jesus was weeping,
“Daughter, they are coming this way. Go and tell your uncles; go and tell your
relatives that they are coming this way! Daughter, many will not believe you,
but I am your faithful witness, I am your faithful witness. I will never leave
you. Even if they do not believe you, Daughter, go and tell them the truth, for
I am with you. I will also show you, Daughter, how people arrive at this
We went to a tunnel where there
were a multitude of people falling into the abyss. Not 1 thousand, not 2
thousand, but as many as the sand of the sea, countless. They were falling by
the second, like handfuls of sand being thrown down. The souls were falling
rapidly. Jesus was weeping, He said, “Daughter, this is how humanity perishes;
this is how it is lost!…Daughter, it hurts Me to see how humanity perishes.”
Jesus said, “Demons also hold
meetings in this place.” And I said, “Demons hold meetings?” Jesus said, “Yes,
Daughter, they meet to plan, to plan what they will do to humanity. They hold
daily secret meetings.” And with that, Jesus took me to a cell, where I saw a
wooden table with chairs around it. And there were demons – all types of
demons. Jesus explained, “Daughter, they are now planning to go and destroy the
pastors’ families, the missionaries, the evangelists and all of those who know
me. Daughter, they want to destroy them; they have many darts.”
The demons would laugh and mock
and say, “Let’s destroy humanity and bring it to this place.” Jesus said, “Go
and tell them that I am with them. Tell them to not leave open doors, to leave
no place to satan, for satan walks about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may
devour.(1st Peter 5:8)” But the Word says, “he walks as”, because the only real
Lion, is the Lion of Judah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth(Revelations 5:5)! Jesus
said, “Daughter, they especially want to destroy the pastors; family.” I asked,
“Why do they want to destroy the pastors’ family?” And Jesus responded,
“Because they are in charge of thousands of people that are the sheep of the
fold; the sheep of the fold that the Lord has given them. They want these
people to return to the world again; to look back and end up in hell…Go and
tell the pastors to speak the truth. Go and tell them to preach the truth and
to speak everything that I tell them and to never keep to themselves what I
tell them!”
As we left that place and He told
me, “I want to show you something else… There are also children in this place.”
And I replied, “Children in this place, Lord? Why are there children here? Your
Word says, ‘let the children to come unto Me, and do not stop them: for the
Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14)Jesus replied,
“Daughter, it’s true, of such is the kingdom of Heaven, but that child must
come to Me, for he who comes to Me I will not throw out.”(John 6:37) Instantly,
the Lord showed me an eight year old boy being tormented in fire. The boy
cried, “Lord have mercy of me, take me out of this place, I don’t want to be
here!” He kept crying and screaming. I saw demons around this boy, that resembled
cartoon figures. There was Dragon Balls Z, Ben 10, Pokémon, Doral, etc. “Lord,
why is this boy here?” Jesus showed me a large screen of this boy’s life. I saw
how he would spend all of his time in front of the TV, watching these cartoons.
Jesus said, “Daughter, these
animated cartoons, those movies, those soap operas that are seen daily on TV
are satan’s instruments to destroy humanity…Look, Daughter how this came to
be.” I saw how the boy was rebellious and disobedient toward his parents. When
his parents talked to him, he would run away, throwing things and disobeying
them. After this happened, a car ran over him and ended his life. Jesus told
me, “Ever since then, he has been in this place.”
I looked at the boy as he was
being tormented. Jesus said, “Daughter, go and tell parents to instruct their
child as is written in My Word. (Proverbs 22:6)” The Word of God is real, it
tells us to correct a child with the rod, but not every moment, only when the
child has been disobedient to his parents. (Proverbs 22:15)
The Lord told me something that
is very sad and very painful. He said, “Daughter, there are many children in
this place because of animated cartoons, because of rebellion.” I asked Him,
“Lord, why are animated cartoons to blame for this?” And He explained, “Because
they are demons that carry rebellion, disobedience, bitterness and hatred to
children; and other demons enter these children, so that they do not do good
things, but do that which is bad: whatever children see on TV, they want to do
in reality.” Hell exists, hell is real, and even children must decide with whom
they will go. I said, “Lord, tell me, why are there children in this place?”
And Jesus answered, “Once children have knowledge that there is a heaven and a
hell, then they have a place to choose.”
There’s much more to be said
about hell, but now I’ll share what I saw in Heaven. Jesus said, “Daughter, now
I am going to show you what I have prepared for My Holy people.” We left that
place, going out through a tunnel. While traveling through this tunnel, we
suddenly came out to where there was light. I saw no more darkness, torment or
flames. He said, “Daughter, I am going to show you My glory,” and we started
ascending to the Kingdom of Heaven! Soon we arrived at a door with giant
letters written in gold, it said: “Welcome to the Kingdom of Heaven.” Jesus
said, “Daughter, go in, for I am the Door and he who enters through Me, will
enter, will go and will find pastures.”(John 10:9)
After the Lord said these words,
the door opened and we entered. I saw angels giving glory, honor and praise to
our Heavenly Father! (Revelations 7:11-12) As we continued walking, we
approached a table of which I could see the beginning, but not the end.
(Revelations 19:9) I observed a large throne, and a smaller throne surrounded
by thousands of chairs. Between the chairs were garments along with crowns. The
Lord told me, “Daughter, the crown that you see there is the crown of
life.”(Revelations 2:10)
Jesus said, “Look, Daughter, this is what I have prepared for My people.” I saw that the table was covered with a white tablecloth with gold edging. There were plates, gold goblets, fruit; everything was served. It was so beautiful. There was a very large vessel in the middle of the table, which contained the wine for the dinner. And Jesus said, “Daughter, everything is ready for the arrival of My church.”
Jesus said, “Look, Daughter, this is what I have prepared for My people.” I saw that the table was covered with a white tablecloth with gold edging. There were plates, gold goblets, fruit; everything was served. It was so beautiful. There was a very large vessel in the middle of the table, which contained the wine for the dinner. And Jesus said, “Daughter, everything is ready for the arrival of My church.”
We went to another place, where I
saw many people in a garden. There were well known people from the Bible, but
they were not aged, but young. There was this young man with a large kerchief
in his hand who danced and whirled around and praised the Lord. Jesus said,
“Daughter that young man that you see there is My servant, David.” He was
giving glory to our Father. Suddenly, another young man passes by and Jesus
told me, “Daughter, he is Joshua; he is Moses; this other young man is
Abraham.” Jesus would call them out by their names. They all had the same
countenance! Jesus said, “Daughter, that woman that you see there is My
servant, Mary Magdalene; My servant, Sara.”
But then He told me, “Daughter,
she is Mary. Mary, who gave birth to Jesus Christ, Who I am. Daughter, I want
to tell you that she has no knowledge of the things happening on Earth. I want
to tell you that you must go and tell humanity, tell idol worshippers that hell
is real, and that idolaters will not inherit My kingdom, but go and tell them that
if they repent, they can enter My heavenly dwelling place. Go tell them that I
love them and tell them that Mary has no knowledge of anything [happening on
Earth] and the only One that they must exalt is Me, because neither Mary, nor
St. Gregory nor any other saint can offer salvation. I am the only One who
saves and outside of Me – nobody, nobody, nobody- saves!” He repeated it three
times – that nobody could save; only He saves.
Humanity has been deceived
believing in an assumed saint, which is not, but is a demon, working through an
idol made by the hand of man. But, let me tell you that the Lord wants to give
you the best. He wants you to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; to repent and to
leave idolatry. Because idolatry will not save you. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is
the one that saves, who gave His life for you, for me and for all humanity. The
Lord has a great message for humanity. As He wept, He told me, “Please,
Daughter, do not be silent; go and tell the truth, go and tell what I have
shown you.”
I saw how Mary worshipped the
Lord, and I saw women with very beautiful long hair. I said, “Lord, how pretty
the way they wear their hair.” He told me, “Daughter, that which you see is the
veil that I have given to a woman.” He added, “Daughter, go and tell women to
take care of the veil that I have given them.”
Then He told me, “I have
something to show you that is very important.” I looked far away and saw a
shining city, a city of gold! I said, “Lord, what is that? I want to go over
there.” He answered, “Daughter, I will show you what is over there. What you
are seeing is the heavenly dwelling, the heavenly mansions which are ready for
My people.”
We started walking, until we reached a golden bridge. As we walked over it, we came upon streets that were made of pure gold! (Revelations 21:21) Everything was so beautiful, so brilliant, like shining glass, it was absolutely supernatural, inexplicable! We saw heavenly mansions, and watched thousands of angels constructing them. Some of the angels constructed very rapidly, others constructed slowly and others were not constructing at all.
We started walking, until we reached a golden bridge. As we walked over it, we came upon streets that were made of pure gold! (Revelations 21:21) Everything was so beautiful, so brilliant, like shining glass, it was absolutely supernatural, inexplicable! We saw heavenly mansions, and watched thousands of angels constructing them. Some of the angels constructed very rapidly, others constructed slowly and others were not constructing at all.
I asked the Lord, “Why are some
angels constructing rapidly, while others are slower, and some have those
stopped constructing?” The Lord explained, “Daughter, that is how My people
work on Earth, and the angels work as My children work on Earth….Daughter, My
people no longer spread the gospel. My people no longer fast. My people no
longer go to the streets to distribute tracts telling the truth. My people are
now ashamed. Go and tell My people to return to the old paths. Those angels
that you saw that were doing nothing belong to those people that have walked
away from My paths…Daughter, go and tell My people to return to the old paths,”
(Jeremiah 6:16) and in saying this He started to weep.
I heard other people singing, so
I asked Him, “Lord, I want You to take me over there, where those people are
singing.” Jesus was observing me, I could tell how He was observing me, but I
couldn’t see His face, only the movements of His face. While His tears were
pouring over His garment, I asked Him why He was weeping. But He would not
explain it to me.
Later we arrived at this
beautiful garden. There, among the heavenly mansions, I saw flowers that were
swaying. That must have been the singing I heard. The Lord pointed with His
finger and said, “Daughter, look, they praise Me; they worship Me! My people no
longer do as they did before. My people no longer praise, no longer worship Me;
no longer seek Me as before. That is why I told you, Daughter, to go and tell
My people to seek Me, for I will go, I will go, I will go – for a people that
seeks Me in spirit and in truth, for a people that are ready, for a holy
people!” And weeping He said, “I am coming, I am coming!” Then I understand why
He was weeping, because He is coming, but not for those that are half-hearted.
He will return only for a people that is seeking Him in spirit and in truth.
Then the Lord told me that I had
to return to Earth. I said, “Lord, I don’t want to go back to Earth! What do
you mean – Earth? I want to stay with You. You brought me here and I’m not
going anywhere because I am with You!” Jesus said, “Daughter, it is necessary
that you return to Earth to go and testify that My glory is real, that what I
am going to show you is real; that what you have seen is real – so that
humanity will come to Me, repent and not perish.” Weeping, I fell to His feet;
there I saw wounds on His feet. I asked, “Lord, what are these wounds here?” He
answered, “Daughter, it’s the scar from that yester day, when I gave My life
for humanity.”
He also showed me the scars in
his hands, I asked, “Lord, why do you still have that?” He told me, “Daughter,
it is the scar that has remained.” So I asked, “Will this go away?” He replied,
“Daughter, this will go away when all the saints are reunited here…Daughter, I
must take you to Earth: Your family and the nations are waiting for you.”
I tried to refuse but He pointed
down to Earth with His finger and said, “Look, those people that you see down
there are your relatives; that body that you see there, is where you have to
return…It is time to leave this place.” Then He took me along a beautiful
crystal clear river and said “Daughter, enter the river and submerge yourself.”
Before I entered that crystalline river of living water, I was experiencing
indescribable joy, but after I submerged myself and came out, I was elated. I
thought I would not have to return home, but the Lord told me, “Daughter, you
have to return to Earth…Daughter, I am going to show you something: How I am
coming to Earth for a holy people. I am going to show you how the day of the
Rapture will be.”
We walked to a place with a giant
screen, and I saw people in it. I could observe the whole world. Then suddenly
I saw thousands of people disappearing. Pregnant women had their pregnancy
disappear, and they looked like they had gone crazy screaming.
Children had disappeared from all over. Many people were running from here to there, screaming, “This can’t be, this can’t be! What’s happening?”
Children had disappeared from all over. Many people were running from here to there, screaming, “This can’t be, this can’t be! What’s happening?”
I saw those who had known the
Lord, but were left behind. (Matt 24:40-41) They were saying that Christ had
come, the Rapture happened. They screamed and wanted to kill themselves, but
they couldn’t. The Lord told me, “Daughter, in those days, death will flee;
Daughter, in those days the Holy Spirit will no longer be on Earth.”
(Revelations 9:6) There were accidents but I didn’t see a single dead person:
all of them were alive, although injured.
I observed enormous traffic with
thousands of people. He told me, “Daughter, look, this is how everything will
happen.” I then saw people running from one place to another, shouting, “Christ
came, Christ came!” They would plead, “Lord, forgive me, forgive me, take me
with You!”
But sadly the Lord said, “It will
be too late. The time to repent is now…Daughter, go tell humanity to seek Me,
for during that time there will no longer be opportunity. (Isaiah 55:6)
Daughter, it will be too late for all those that stay behind.” When Jesus
observed how people were left behind, He began to weep and said, “Daughter, I
will go to Earth as it says in 1 Thes. 4: 16-17 : “For the Lord himself shall
descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the
trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first; Then we which are alive
and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the
Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”
But not everyone will go with the
Lord, only those who are doing His will (Matthew 7:21) and living a holy life.
For the Lord told me, “Only those that are holy will enter the Kingdom of
Heaven, (Hebrews 12:14), No one knows, neither the day nor the hour in which I
will go for My holy people, not even the angels know it.” (Matthew 24:36)
On the screen I saw people
running around. Magazines and TV news said that “CHRIST HAD COME.” The screen
closed, and Jesus finished by saying, “I will go for a holy people.” This was
all He showed me. After that, He brought me back here to Earth.
With angels gathered round, we began to descend these beautiful stairs; white steps with flowers surrounding them. I was crying all the way down, pleading with Jesus, “Lord, please, don’t leave me here. Take me with You!” He responded, “Daughter, the nations, your family are waiting for you…Daughter, you must enter that body. You must receive life, Daughter, so you can go and testify what you have seen. Many will not believe you; many will believe you, but I am your faithful witness. I am with you. I will never leave you.”
With angels gathered round, we began to descend these beautiful stairs; white steps with flowers surrounding them. I was crying all the way down, pleading with Jesus, “Lord, please, don’t leave me here. Take me with You!” He responded, “Daughter, the nations, your family are waiting for you…Daughter, you must enter that body. You must receive life, Daughter, so you can go and testify what you have seen. Many will not believe you; many will believe you, but I am your faithful witness. I am with you. I will never leave you.”
The Lord told me, “Daughter, in
those days the Holy Spirit will no longer be on Earth. In those days, He will
no longer be on Earth.”(2 Thes. 2:7) And I saw enormous traffic, with
accidents. Many people wanted to kill themselves, but Jesus said, “They shall
seek death, but death shall flee from humanity. Death will no longer be during
that time.”(Revelations 9:6) I saw people watching TV and magazines that read,
“Thousands and Thousands have Disappeared.” Many already knew that Christ had
come for His holy people. Those who knew the Lord, but were left behind, went
crying through the streets, wanting to kill themselves, but they could not do
While in Heaven, Jesus said, “I will come for a holy people and I will come soon for My church.”
While in Heaven, Jesus said, “I will come for a holy people and I will come soon for My church.”
For those who want to accept the
Lord, repeat after me.
Lord, I thank You for Your love and Your mercy, thank You, Lord, for the word that has reached my heart today. Father, I ask for Your forgiveness. Forgive me. Wash me with Your precious blood. Write my name in the Book of Life. Accept me as Your child, Lord. Right now, I forgive anyone that I had not been able to forgive. I renounce to my lack of forgiveness. I renounce all things that have hindered Your flow, and I ask You to transform me and to fill me with Your presence every day. Thank You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit; in the Name of Jesus, Amen.
Lord, I thank You for Your love and Your mercy, thank You, Lord, for the word that has reached my heart today. Father, I ask for Your forgiveness. Forgive me. Wash me with Your precious blood. Write my name in the Book of Life. Accept me as Your child, Lord. Right now, I forgive anyone that I had not been able to forgive. I renounce to my lack of forgiveness. I renounce all things that have hindered Your flow, and I ask You to transform me and to fill me with Your presence every day. Thank You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit; in the Name of Jesus, Amen.
This testimony is not a lie; it’s
not a joke; it is not a story; it is not a dream, hell is real! Hell exists! To
anyone that does not believe, I want to tell you that hell is real, very real.
I cannot find words to tell you how real it is. I wish that you could
experience it yourself.
The time is soon, God allows
signs to reveal to humanity what is about to happen. Do not remain condemned;
that’s what the devil wants. Ask yourself if you are already walking through
hell’s tunnel? Today is the day of salvation, today is the day to invite Jesus,
your Savior into your life. These are simple and yet great words to say: “I
accept You, Jesus as my Lord and my only Savior. I give You my life and soul
with all my heart. I want to be with You for eternity.”
Choose your final destiny: Life
or death, heaven or hell, Jesus or the devil. It’s clear, either you belong to
Jesus or to the devil. Either you do what is right or you do what is wrong. You
choose your destiny: eternal life or the lake of fire. Think about it. Decide
now. Jesus Christ died on the cross for each one of us, for our sins, and He
gave us the opportunity of salvation by His mercy. Accept Christ as your only
Now that you’ve heard this
testimony, don’t let this moment be the one you regret forever in hell.
– Testimony of Angelica Zambrano
This was sent
to me this afternoon. After reading it, I was less interested in the source.
But felt IIF forum may also take note on the issues raised.
Forwarded as received :
Got this from a Muslim friend who boldly could send it to me;
patiently read through:
We the far Northerners are agitating for grazing Reserves in
your states. This is because we want to rear and raise our cattles. I see that
some of you are contemplating giving us vast hectares of land in your states.
The the laws governing this will even make you second class citizens against
us. I see also that you are even fighting yourselves to let us have our way.
"Those who don't remember the past, are condemned to repeat
it" George Santayana.
But how foolish you can be. In the last 2 decades none of you
have been given a land to build your Churches. Several Churches were literally
razed down in every single city in the North. No one approves a place of
worship for you even when you contribute immensely to the economic welfare of
our region. Even Churches that acquired C of O's in the far past, (ECWA Good
News Center, Aliyu Jodi Road, Sokoto is one example) efforts are being made to
revoke them.
Even people like me who are indigenous have been deprived places
of worship. Any village head, chief or leader who permits a Church to be built
in their area, will have themselves dethroned, so is the clandestine law. For
building a Church you face land confiscations, kangaroo judgement,
intimidation, threat to life and expulsion even death.
In Tudun Wadan Dan Kade, Kano State, all Churches (ECWA and
Anglican) were razed down and Christians were told to never worship again. No
Church today in this city. In Funtua recently, 3 Churches were removed. In
Mabera Sokoto a Church was closed down and a Church's guest house wall was
razed down. There are copious more examples. The issue has always been, it's
illegal. The land wasn't given to build a Church. But actually, no one, no
Government today in the North will sign for the approval of building a Church.
It's funny how cows and goats have more rights than humans. I
wonder why we place premium on the economic life of one area neglecting the
religious life of others.
We don't want you to serve your God, but we complain when you
become armed robbers, drug peddlers and do all sort of crimes. How unfair to
ask for morality from you when the agencies you create to instil morality in
your children is denied.
I am ashamed of you fighting yourselves. It's a shame! You won't
hear we Muslims fighting for Grazing Reserves, we don't have to because we only
nees to throw the bone to the dogs and the will fight over it. We carefully
attached money gains in the policy such as World Bank loans. So, you see
fighting over the money so that we can have our way. IBB engaged all of you in
a stupid National debate on IMF loan. While you were busy debating we smuggled
Nigeria into OIC and no one can change that.
Political correctness? Forget that, we only use it when and if
it favors us.
No religious sentiments intended here only comparative facts.
If you release your lands we will occupy them, buy some more
because your people are gullible. Convert some of you using a few nairas to woo
you, rape and pregnant your daughters. After a decade or so, make you fight
yourselves and kill yourselves while we politically take over your states.
If you see this as a grazing reserve issue, then you must be very myopic. We see it as an agenda to take over Nigeria and believe me if you allow these to happen, 5 decades down the line, your children will beg us food, beg us jobs and beg us lands in their land. Then also we will decide the political fate of this country because we would have grown stronger, larger and influential. We will use the Grazing reserves as training ground for Jihad and as places to store our arms towards toral Islamization of Nigeria. Some of you are foolish talking about cattle Ranches. Why do you need government money for such? Is that how its done in advanced countries? You are not asking questions because you are blinded by rhe money we will give.
If you see this as a grazing reserve issue, then you must be very myopic. We see it as an agenda to take over Nigeria and believe me if you allow these to happen, 5 decades down the line, your children will beg us food, beg us jobs and beg us lands in their land. Then also we will decide the political fate of this country because we would have grown stronger, larger and influential. We will use the Grazing reserves as training ground for Jihad and as places to store our arms towards toral Islamization of Nigeria. Some of you are foolish talking about cattle Ranches. Why do you need government money for such? Is that how its done in advanced countries? You are not asking questions because you are blinded by rhe money we will give.
Please give us Grazing Reserves or is it Ranches you call them?
(Copied from Ibrahim
The reason the Northern Radical Islamists like Buhari and El
Rufai will continue to have their ways pushing down South is because the South
has too much educated illiterates and free thinkers but who are blind seers. Some
will be indifferent to this dangerous threat at the door. Some will political
correctly nail their own coffins. And some will accuse you of fomented hatred
and divisiveness .Some will even attack you. The crafty North will throw their “Bones”
at the South and the South will engage in fighting themselves, while the
Northern islamists will be clandestinely moving in and having their way,
whereas the South has people in power who are too greedy, compromised, and
cowed, like T.A. Orji, to Speak up for the South.
Yet we’re
persuade and know that in all these things that it is only Biafra that is the
answer. It is only Biafra that is a nemesis to radical islam, and that’s reason
they’re fighting to kill it with all their rage and might. But no mortal call
kill what God gives life.
Futhermore, I
do hope we still remember that Alhaji and Kunle tape? Now piece these things
together with the murderous incursions of their herdsmen footsoldiers into the
South, and if you see no clandestine pattern to overrun and dominate the whole
Country especially the SS and SE, then you need probably the help of a
neurosurgeon. Yet we declared and again and again will declare it, that the God
of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the God of the South and Biafra land, and that
the Christ is our LORD and Saviour. No Islam will dominate neither the world,
nor our Land in Jesus name!!!
The Early White Christians
Weren't Trying to Save Black Souls:
The white slave masters were not
trying to save the souls of the African people when they taught them the
Christian religion. We know this to be an irrefutably fact, because during the
time when early whites Christians converted Africans into Christians most of
them perceived it that Black people had no souls. They also perceived it that
black people weren't even fully human. In fact these early white Christians
held such low regards towards Black people that many actually believed that the
thought of black people going to heaven was as ridiculous as a dog going to
heaven. Some of these white Christians even perceived it as being blasphemous
to even make a statement about Black people entering into heaven. They believed
that heaven was for whites only. Nonetheless these same white Christians
converted Africans to their Christian faith.
When we logically and critically
look at the fact as they are we can easily say with great certainty that the
white slave masters were not trying to save the souls of African slaves ( in
preparation for them going to heaven in the afterlife) when they taught them
the Christian religion. Given that they adamantly believed that heaven was for
whites only, clearly there was another self serving reason why they converted
Africans to Christianity.
The truth of the matter is that
the Bible was used to brainwash the early Africans. During the enslavement of
the Africans in America, and during the colonization of Africans on the
continent, they were given a Christian religion that taught them to believe in
only white deities. (a white God, white messiah, white angels and white
prophets). These depictions of “white only” deities were deliberately used to
subconsciously indoctrinate the false belief of white divinity [and therefore
inherent superiority] into the collective minds of the early Africans.
To further establish their
positions of white dominance the early white Christians (slave masters)
believed it was necessary to instill the belief of white divinity into the
minds of Africans. Through Christianity the early Africans were taught to
believe (from a plagiarized allegory ) that the greatest man that ever lived,
and that ever walked on the earth was a white man. Furthermore, that this white
messiah gave his life for these Africans, intentionally creates profound
feelings of indebtedness, among them, towards a white messiah. This programming
of indebtedness towards whites gets even psychologically deeper. The depictions
of a white messiah intentionally makes the logical conclusion that if the son
of God is white, then therefore God, the all knowing and most powerful being in
the universe must also be white. This subsequently leads many Black people to
consciously worshipping a white God. When Black people are conditioned to
consciously worship a white God they are also being conditioned on a subliminal
and sub-consciously level to worship white people.
During slavery this white
worshipping religious indoctrination process was used to make the African
slaves more docile, humble, and more loyal to their white masters. From the
perspective of the slave masters, converting the African slaves into Christians
made them into better slaves.
Moreover this religious
brainwashing of the early Africans has been left uncorrected and un-removed for
generations. The effects of that brain washing scheme initially implemented
more than four hundred years ago still continues upon the mind of millions of
African Americans. It is the reason why you can presently visit many black
churches and find its walls stubbornly adorned with pictures of only white
Whenever Black Christians are
confronted about fallacies within their religion or are reminded that it was
forced upon their ancestors during slavery, they comforts themselves by saying
that Christianity was started by Africans so therefore it is our true religion.
This is absolutely not true.
The Christianity now practiced by
Black Christians is not the belief system that was practiced in ancient North
Africa before 325 AD. That original African belief system was completely
different. That belief system was high jacked by the Romans and then recreated
into a counterfeit version of itself. It was that counterfeit versions that was
forced upon our ancestors during slavery in the U.S and during the colonization
of Africa. Therefore it is that counterfeit version that's now being practiced
by Black Christians.
The original belief system
practiced in North Africa wasn't called Christianity. It's doctrine didn't
believe in the son of God, nor of the trinity. Those fabrications were created
and added by Constantine the Roman Emperor during the first Council of Nicaea
conference in 325 AD. It was then and there that the Romans high jacked the
original belief system founded in North Africa and turned it into what is
presently called Christianity. These Black people that now refers to themselves
as being Christians are in fact actually following the revamped religion
created by the emperor Constantine and not the original belief system.
Constantine revamped the ancient belief system making it more palpable with the
existing pagan beliefs of the Romans. The original belief system's doctrine
taught the teachings of a man name Yeshua born of a traditional birth, not of a
messiah born of an immaculate conception. It was the Romans that turned him
into a the Jesus son of God messiah. It was also originally taught that he was
born in a cave in Ethiopia. It was during the conference that his birthplace
was changed to being born in a manger in Bethlehem. The Romans believed in a
Sun God that they celebrated during a festival at the ending and changing of
the year starting around the 24th of December, so they made Yeshua's birthday
to be on December 25th.
Furthermore, the original doctrine taught every individual to seek a direct path to the most high. It never taught that to connect to the most high that its followers had to pray through a subordinate Jesus. That fabrication was created by the Romans.
Furthermore, the original doctrine taught every individual to seek a direct path to the most high. It never taught that to connect to the most high that its followers had to pray through a subordinate Jesus. That fabrication was created by the Romans.
Black people wake up and realize
that the true and original belief system has been Highjacked and changed. It
was that counterfeit versions that was forced upon our ancestors during slavery
and that is presently being used to exploit, mentally enslave and control us.
Most Black Christians are totally
unaware that their spiritual experiences of trance shaking and speaking in
tongue when feeling a spiritual connection with their creator, has nothing to
do with Christianity. In fact when such behavior was displayed by the early
African slaves, their white slave masters often expressed feelings of shock.
This is because they found the displayed behavior as being strange and alien to
the Christian religion they were teaching their slaves.
The white slave owners often
wrote narratives about witnessing their slaves’ experiencing trances, speaking
in foreign tongues and shaking uncontrollably during these forced religious
services. Many slave owners believed that these displayed behaviors proved that
their slaves somehow lacked mental capacity. This is because these expressions
of spirituality (that we now perceive as Christianity) are in fact totally
African expressions. Many Black Christians believe that it's the power of white
Jesus that they're feeling, but this same behavior may be found being displayed
in the deepest parts of Africa by Africans celebrating their ancient religions.
Although many African Americans have called upon the name of the god of their
enslavers, the miracles they've witnessed and experienced were not the works of
those false deities. They never existed. It was actually the Gods of their
Ancestors that heard and answered their cries though they knew it not this
We the richly melanated people
presently known as Africans, and or as Black people have had a deep spiritual
relationship with our Creator/The Most High/God of our Ancestors that is in
fact much older than Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. Our
relationship with the Creator was established long before the names of Jehovah,
Jesus, Mohammed or even Buddha where ever uttered. The first concept of a Most
High/God/Creator started with us and it ends with us.
However, the ways of which our
ancestors connected to our Most High was originally done so in a more organic
and spiritual manner. Not through organized religion, but through a personal
oneness between the inner mind and that which we now know as God. It is an
experience that no two individuals may verbalize the same. Some may say that it
speaks from above, some may say it comes from within. Some may also say that it
comes through the mind, while others says through the heart. It doesn't matter
because in our true belief system they are all correct. It is their own
individual oneness with the Most High!
It is not these man made
religions that often perverts the truth and that have been used by men to
justify wars and the enslavement of millions. Religions that have also been
used to exploit and control the masses while demanding 10 percent of their
earnings to finance their wealthy lifestyles.
Blacks people we must return to
the foreigners all of their false pagan gods and counterfeit religions and
return to our true spirituality of our Ancestors.
From the book the Black Matrix by
Franklin Jones.
This article is from the book the
Black Matrix by Franklin Jones. It was written to encourage you to seek the
true belief system that was taken away by force from our ancestors.
The Black Matrix
Learn more at or visit the FaceBook page entitled The Black Matrix: Perception Management Program Designed to Control Black People.
The Black Matrix
Learn more at or visit the FaceBook page entitled The Black Matrix: Perception Management Program Designed to Control Black People.
"In this Nigeria, an average Southerner is a weakling. A born coward with serious complex issues. A fool and an idiot. A slave. A typical example of a butterfly who thinks himself a bird. But this is not even the problem. The biggest problem is, he doesn't even realise he is any of those things.
The only thing an average Southerner is good at is blowing high sounding grammar and acquiring degrees upon degrees but when it comes to things that matter most, he goes to slumber.
An average Southerner has this twisted mindset that the best way to be seen as a patriotic and detribalised Nigerian is by degrading, shaming and disparaging his own tribe for no just cause.
Abacha stole this country blind, such that 20 years after, his loot is still being returned to the country. But in spite of this, people like Buhari publicly swore that he (Abacha) stole nothing. But to an average Southern idiot, Jonathan's 5 year rule is the reason we have no fuel, no light, no good educational system, no nothing! Jonathan is the worst thief in Nigeria history. IBB, Abdulsalam and even Buhari who was accused of stealing billions of dollars as PTF boss were all saints. Why? Because they are Northerners.
Was it not a southern he goat named Obasanjo who publicly accused Jonathan of training snipers in Pyongyang (North Korea) ahead of last year's election?? He made the unfounded allegation just to please his masters upnorth. Now that we have the highest figure of senseless death of civilian in the hands of both state and non state actors under a Northern president Buhari, have you read any letter from the daughter-in-law fucking pastor OBJ??
When Shiites were massacred in Zaria, it took less than 48 hours for Chidi Odinkalu of the National Human Right Commission to establish a commission of inquiry and summon the army chief but when unarmed IPOB members praying in a school field in Aba were murdered by the security agents, did you hear even a loosely worded condemnation from Chidi Odinkalu??
Check out the list of those asking that Fayose be tried for treason for writing to the Chinese govt over Buhari's $2 loan, they are 80% southerners. And most of them have not even read the said Fayose letter at least to know the reasons Fayose adduced in the said letter. These are the same fools who kept mum when Ango Abdullahi, Sani Kaita and some so called Northern elders publicly threatened to make the country ungovernable if power wasn't returned to the North. When Buhari made his 'dogs and baboon speech and directly caused the death of southern youth corpers, these morons kept mum.
With all the numberless killing of civilians under this regime and its open support for the genocide the world fourth deadliest terror group (the Fulani militant) has continue to visit on Nigerians, have these highly educated southerners bothered to write a strongly worded petition to the ICC just like Nyako, El-rufai and other northerners did to Jonathan??
These southern bastards will gleefully yell 'Kanu should rot in jail, he was preaching hate on radio Biafra!' But these clowns maintained sealed lips over the hateful and inciting broadcast by 'Radio Chanji' and Arewa Radio upNorth. Such is the degree of the soulless hypocrisy of these southern dickheads.
These nitwits were on rooftops telling us how incompetent and corrupt Jonathan was and how his removal was a patriotic duty. Today, things have all gone worse under Buhari and you would think that these southern imbeciles would be at the forefront calling for Buhari's resignation but no! They are the ones defending the daura born ex-soldier even against thesame things for which they crucified Jonathan then.
Now I know why Jonathan appeared weak as president and spent his 5 year term trying to please the North.
He knew he had nobody behind him. He knew that we Southerners are weaklings only good at blowing high sounding but empty grammar.
These 'efulefu' southerners will never question why Buhari has never condemned the murderous activities of his fulani kinsmen but these same 'anumpamas' will read this post and quickly tag me a bigot.
Slaves who think themselves masters.
Copied as received.
A large part of the history of Ethiopia is centred on the legend of the Queen of Sheba of Ethiopia and King Solomon of Israel. Many Ethiopians believe that the relationship between Sheba and Solomon resulted to a son who founded the Solomonic Dynasty in Aksum. According to Ethiopian traditional history the Queen of Sheba learned about the wisdom of King Solomon from a merchant called Tamrin, how he worshiped God and his skills building a great Temple in Jerusalem. The Queen of Sheba decided to visit and see for herself King Solomon's wisdom, how he worshiped God and his many skills. When the Queen of Sheba visited King Solomon in Jerusalem she gave him many gifts and she asked him many questions, which he was able to answer.
According to the legend of the Ethiopian history, while she was with him; King Solomon made Queen Sheba promise not to take anything from his house. King Solomon went to bed one night on one side of the chamber and Queen Sheba went to bed at the other side of the chamber. Before King Solomon slept, he placed a bowl of water near Queen Sheba's chamber. As she was thirsty, Queen Sheba woke up at the middle of the night and found the water, which she drank. At this point Solomon heard noises, woke up and found her drinking the water. He accused her of having broken her oath not to take anything from his house. Nevertheless the beauty of Queen Sheba attracted King Solomon and the relationship between King Solomon and Queen Sheba was consummated, resulting in the birth of a son named Ibn-al-Malik (known as Menelik), the founder of Ethiopian Solomonic Dynasty.
Whilst it cannot be proved that the Queen of Sheba had a son with King Solomon, but there is evidence of the Queen of Sheba's visit to King Solomon in Jerusalem, in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible, the First Book of Kings, chapter 10, verses 1 - 10 says:
When Menelik grew up (about 22 years old), he asked his mother who his father was and told him that it was King Solomon of Israel. Menelik told his mother that he wanted to go to visit his father in Jerusalem. He went to Jerusalem to visit his father and Solomon received him with great honour. Menelik stayed with his father in Jerusalem and learnt the Law of Moses for 3 years. Menelik looked very like his father, which confused the Israelites as they had difficulty in telling the difference between Solomon and Menelik. Because of this confusion they complained to King Solomon and asked him to send Menelik home. King Solomon said if they wanted him to send his son back home the high priests would have to send their oldest son and 1000 people from each tribe of Israel with Menelik. The high priests agreed to send their oldest son and 1000 people from each tribe with Menelik.
Menelik then returned to Aksum, amongst those accompanying him was Azariah the son of the high priest (Zadok) of the temple of Jerusalem. Before the journey Azariah had a dream that told him to take the Ark of the Covenant with him to Ethiopia. Azariah did what the dream told him to do and he stole the Ark from the Temple, putting in its place a copy. Azariah told Menelik what he had done and Menelik was angry with him but Azariah convinced Menelik to take the Ark with them. Zadok, the high priest of the Temple, discovered the Ark's disappearance and informed King Solomon. King Solomon and his army followed Menelik but could not catch him. Whilst this was taking place Solomon dreamt that his son should have the Ark and he returned to Jerusalem and ordered his high Priests to keep its disappearance a secret.
On his return to Ethiopia, Menelik founded the "Solomonic Dynasty" and the Aksumite kingdom adopted Judaism and the Law of Moses. The visit of the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon as mentioned in the Holy Bible signifies to the Ethiopians their claim to be direct descendants of the "Solomonic Dynasty". This shows that Judaic culture was established and followed in Ethiopia since the reign of King Menelik. When the Aksumite kingdom accepted the arrival of Christianity, during the reign of King Ezana in the fourth century, the Felashas (Beta Israel or Ethiopian Jews) refused to accept Christianity and continued to practise Judaism, which they still do today.
The Bible in Deuteronomy 20:2-4
says thus, "So it shall be, when you are on the verge of battle, that the
priest shall approach and speak to the people. 3 And he shall say to them,
‘Hear, O Israel: Today you are on the verge of battle with your enemies. Do not
let your heart faint, do not be afraid, and do not tremble or be terrified
because of them; 4 for the Lord your God is He who goes with you, to fight for
you against your enemies, to save you".NKJV. This particular Scriptural
(Torah) provision directs every Priest or Spiritual Leader to address his
congregation in times of tribulations. We believe that the said address ought
to be full of Vision, Inspiration,Motivation and Consolation as anything close
to Intimidations, Manipulations,Distractions should be avoided at all cost. We
must not cease from encouraging the flock of Almighty just as Yeshua was
encouraged by the Holy Spirit and Angels during His Temptation and
Crucifixion(Matthew 4:1,11 and Luke 22:43).
Beloved House Faithful and
Covenant believers all over the world,we were energized when we discovered that
the Sabbath Quote that was selected over a year ago mirrors the current global
and national lockdown.see Exodus 16:29, "Remember that I, the Lord, have
given you a day of rest, and that is why on the sixth day I will always give
you enough food for two days. Everyone is to stay where he is on the seventh
day and not leave his home".GNB(see our 2019 Feasts Brochure,page 18).Is
it not an irony that the whole world is joining the State of Israel and all
Seventh Day Observers to observe compulsory rest,albeit grudgingly?
As we round off our 7Days
Corporate Fast today,do remain confident that the Lord Our God is with us and
He will surely give us victory over our enemies in the form of ignorance,sin,sickness,pandemic,
pestilence,diseases,poverty,hunger and the Fourth Beast(Daniel
As we prepare to mark the First
Passover and Unleavened Bread from the 7th evening through 15th evening of
April 2020,it is our prayer and hope that our expected pilgrimage to the
HolyLand in Okporo for the Celebration of the Second Passover and Unleavened
Bread(May 7th-15th) will be backed up with an enormous burning zeal for God's
true worship.I leave you with these IGBO WISE QUOTES..."ONYE JI YA GBARA
AMA DIKE". Stay connected as we will endeavor to keep you posted from this
Happy Feast of First Passover
and Unleavened Bread in advance. Happy Sabbath Day to you all. SHALOM UMU CHINEKE.
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