Biafran Colt of arm

Biafran Colt of arm
Biafra is my Right

Thursday, 29 August 2019

The Best Pictures Of My Friends

               The Best Pictures Of My Friends

                                 1.BlessedPat Friday’s

                 The Best Of Ugo 
                      Emeodi Our 
               Beautiful Wife

                                   My Awesome Friend

                               Tochi Glory Ihaza’s 
                                  The Best Beautiful Pictures


Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Former Senate President Was Disgraced In Germany

                                   The Disgrace Of                       
                                Ike EkwereMadu 
                              In Germany  
Yea, for social media rappers, what we did to Ike Ekweremadu is just a polite warning, from henceforth we will let loose our tsunami on any politician find culpable of the killings of our people and the attack at our Supreme Leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu home via operation phyton dance1, September, 2017. anywhere abroad, be it America, Asia, Europe etc. All those find culpable of inviting, supporting and defending Fulani's kidnappings, raping and slaughtering of our people in our lands in the likes of Nnai nwodo will be hanged if seen any were in the western world.
You can yapp, rap on all social media platforms all you want but just ask them to come to the western world and see what shall befall them. When we say we will die for BIAFRA to come, its a stamp.
And for those who still think we are joking, wait until we march against the zoo you call Nigeria and you will hear the sound of our foots.
You really think we care about your weak and deceitful opinion, No, we don't because in real sense they don't matter. Our mind is made up and we are moving head on. BIAFRA TOTAL FREEDOM AND RESTORATION IS WHAT WE DESIRE AND WILL GET. ONLY TIME.
Heiko Maas 

Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor 
Federal Republic of Germany 
Federal Foreign Office 
Street address: 
Werderscher Markt 1 
10117 Berlin 
Postal address: 
Federal Foreign Office 
11013 Berlin

August 20, 2019
Alhaji Muhammadu Buhari 

President of Nigeria 
Aso Rock, 
Abuja FCT, Abuja, Nigeria.

Dear Alhaji,

Subject: Request for prosecution of Nigerian political demonstrators in Nuremberg.

I find it extremely provocative and unusually undiplomatic when a government that has created the conditions that exiled its citizens demands the same people's prosecution by the host country for demanding justice and justice from its government officials.
Germany is a democratic country that grants asylum to refugees from all over the world. Freedom of association and the right to political protest are the right of all persons resident in Germany. I, Heiko Maas, have been doused by my voters with rotten eggs and tomatoes. It comes with the office. No protester was shot dead, imprisoned, killed or deported.
Every day, my ambassador to Nigeria, Bernhard Schlagheck informs me of the atrocities Fulani terrorist Herdsmen committed against unarmed, innocent Nigerians as part of an ethnic cleansing program and eventual rug- nization of Nigeria. These atrocities include abductions, rape, torture, mutilation, slaughter and evisceration. Obviously, the demonstrators have enough.
The German Government will respond to your request to prosecute the demonstrators who have requested their representative to do his work in Nigeria as soon as you have your Fulani terrorists detained.
If Senator Ike Ekweremadu has not slept at the workplace and performed his duties as a representative of his constituents, his constituents in Nigeria will eat Yam and not eat Yam in Germany. Yam roots do not grow in Germany. Creating a suitable environment in Nigeria would lead to a brain drain that would significantly accelerate development in Nigeria.
If my ambassador in Nigeria confirms that the Fulani terrorists have been appeased, I am glad to advise the Nigerians in Germany to politely treat Nigeria dignitaries. Political protest is not a criminal offense in Germany.
Yours sincerely,

Heiko Maas

Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor of the 

Federal Republic of Germany
Apostle O. A Samuel*
What do you expect of a child who has run out of patience over a sincere and honest agitation?
A child watched his siblings been killed in cool blood, keep showing respect for a father, expecting fatherly reaction instead he sees the father ROMANCING matters with the great enemies who had taking Position to close his family. What do you expect of that child.
Remember if the FIRST SON don't behave like a mad man, the father may not understand his pains and needs.
Senetor Sir, if you get angry at IPOB for what happened, then I suggest you are highly an undeniable fool. *This is family matter....* Sir see and treat it as such.
Hon. Senator Sir, the living is angry, the dead is angry, the Southsouth and southeast are reminded they were not NIGERIANS.
Our security is not guaranteed, check the armed forces of the Federal Republic of NIGERIA. Don't you guys there understand the path we are forced to tread?
The IPOB did not beat you up, rather tried to remind you of the trust anchored on you and your reputation.
Take it or leave it, if you fail to bring your brothers to this proper understanding. The poor will cry, the rich will cry.
Every body loses..... When we keep taking things as they have been.
IPOB have a dream, yes Ojukwu saw it earlier when the Yorubas were maltreated which led to the War even though it labeled NIGERIA BIAFRA WAR. Even the devil is aware it was not originally BIAFRA matter rather BIAFRAns tried to save the Yorubas.
Why must we stand by same dream? NIGERIANS forbid restructuring, forbids detribalization, and forbids the joy of the IGBO/SOUTHSOUTH... Brother the next option is to interpret their actions as... IGBOS MUST GO.
Senetor Sir, come home and do your work your people need your best. IPOB loves you. You don't expect them to bounce on buhari....
They only expressed the pains of the living and the dead to s trusted father who should showlder responsibility
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Tuesday, 13 August 2019

History About the Biafrans in Nigeria

History About the Biafrans in Nigeria
“I want to see no Red Cross, no Caritas, no World Council of Churches, no Pope, no missionary, no UN delegation. I want to prevent even one Ibo from having even one piece to eat before their capitulation. We shoot at everything that moves and when our troops march into the centre of Ibo territory, we shoot at everything, even things that do not move” (Benjamin Adekunle, Commander, 3rd Marine Commander Division, Nigerian Army to French Radio Reporter).
“All is fair in war, and starvation is one of the weapons of war. I don’t see why we should feed our enemies fat in order for them to fight harder”, (Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Nigerian Minister of Finance, July 28, 1969)
“Until now efforts to relieve the Biafran people have been thwarted by the desire of the central government to pursue total and unconditional victory and by the fear of the Ibo people that surrender means wholesale atrocities and genocide. But genocide is what is taking place right now and starvation is the grim reaper. This is not the time to stand on ceremony, or go through channels or to observe diplomatic niceties. The destruction of an entire people is immoral objective, even in the most moral of wars. It can never be condoned”, (Richard Nixon, during the presidential campaign, September 9, 1968)
“Federal troops killed, or stood while mobs killed, more than 5000 Ibos in Warri, Sapele, Agbor” (New York Times, 10th January, 1968).
“Its (mass starvation) is a legitimate aspect of war (Anthony Enahoro, Nigerian Commissioner for Information at a press conference in New York, July 1968)
“Starvation is a weapon of war, and we have every intention of using it against the rebels” (Mr Alison Ayida, Head of Nigerian delegation, Niamey Peace talks, July 1968.)
“The Igbos must be considerably reduced in number”, Lagos Policeman quoted in New York Review 21 December, 1967)
“One word now describes the policy of the Nigerian military government towards secessionist Biafra: genocide. It is ugly and extreme but it is the only word which fits Nigeria’s decision to stop international Red Cross and other relief agencies from flying food to Biafra ( Washington Post editorial, July 2, 1969).
“In some areas in the East, Igbos were killed by local people with at least the acquiescence of the Federal forces, 1000 Igbo civilians perished in Benin in this way” (Max Edward Reporter, reporter on the ground - New York Review, 21 December 1967).
“After federal forces take over Benin, troops killed about 500 Igbo civilians after a house to house search with the aid of willing locals” (Washington Morning Post, 27 September, 1967)
“The greatest single massacre occurred in the Igbo town of Asaba where 700 Igbo male were lined up and shot as terrified women/children were forced to watch” (London Observer, 21 January,1968)
“Federal troops killed or stood by while mobs killed more than 5000 Ibos in Warri, Sapele, Agbor (New York Times, 10th January, 1968).
“There has been genocide on the occasion of the 1966 massacres, the region between the towns of Benin and Asaba where only widows and orphans remain, federal troops having, for unknown reasons, massacred all the men” (Paris Le Monde, 5th April, 1968)
“In Calabar, federal forces shot at least 1000 and perhaps 2000 Igbos, most of them civilians” (New York Times, 18th January,1968)
“Bestialities and indignities of all kinds were visited on the Biafrans in 1966. In Ikeja Barracks (Western Nigeria) Biafrans were forcibly fed on a mixture of human urine and faeces. In Northern Nigeria numerous housewives and nursing mothers were violated before their husbands and children. Young girls were abducted from their homes, walking places and schools and forced into intercourse with sick, demented and leprous men” (Mr Eric Spiff, German War Correspondent, eyewitness, 1967)
“650 refugee camps, contained about 700,000 haggard bundles of human flotsam waiting hopelessly for a meal, outside the camps, was the reminder of an estimated four and half to five million displaced Kwashiokor scourge, a million and half children, suffer(ed) from it during January; that put the forecast death toll at another 300,000 children. More than the pogroms of 1966, more than the war casualties, than the terror bombings, it was the experience of watching helplessly their children waste away and die that gave birth to, a deep and unrelenting loathing. It is a feeling that will one day reap bitter harvest unless” (Frederick Forsyth, British Writer, January 21st 1969)
“The Nazis had resurrected just here as Nigerian forces” (Washington Post, editorial, July 2, 1969).
“The loss of life from starvation continues at more than 10,000 persons per day over 1,000,000 lives in recent months. Without emergency measures now, the number will climb to 25,000 per day, within a month and 2,000,000 deaths by the end of the year. The new year will only bring greater disaster to people caught in the passion of fratricidal war, we cant allow this to continue or those responsible to go free” (Senator Kennedy appeals to Americans Sunday November 17, 1968)
“Myself and the same UNICEF representatives went on to convey something of what lay behind this intransigence: Among the large majority hailing from that tribe who are the most vocal in inciting the complete extermination of the Igbos. I often heard remarks that all Nigeria’s ills will be cured once the Igbos have been exterminated from the human map.” (Dr Conor Cruise O’Bien, 21 December, 1967, New York Review
This is really to expand the Igbos and not to wipe them out - Obasanjo.

Who has keenly observed that the new British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, apparently has no romantic relationship with the wahabbi islamic government of late Buhari whose name Jubril is impersonating as president which interestingly was not the case with the previous ministers Theresa May and David Cameron? Has the so called president of Nigeria paid official or congratulatory visit to Boris ever since he assumed office as prime minister? No. Is that atypical of Nigeria given her protege status to Britain? YES. What could be responsible? Because Boris Johnson is a jew.
Jews don't mince words. Jews aren't hypocritical. Jews don't pretend in the faces of foes. One thing is of paramount importance: their pride and protection wherever they are found all over the world. I smile. Those who understand the reason for my smile will always understand. What divine import does this super power arrangement portend over Biafra? Positive because of THE NETANYAHU INFLUENCE.
Every intelligent person knows that America is fifty percent governed by Trump and the rest fifty percent Netanyahu indirectly. Why was Jerusalem hurriedly and rightly declared the Jewish eternal capital upon Trump's assumption of office when past numerous American presidents cleverly evaded such proclamation to avoid being labelled biased? The Netanyahu influence. Who inspired the backing out of America from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal that nearly empowered Iran-a staunch enemy to Israel- into becoming a nuclear power state? Same Netanyahu influence. Let me not divulge further secrets that are not for public consumption.
The NETANYAHU INFLUENCE is the reason IPOB is not internationally regarded as a terrorist organization as idiotically and farcically claimed by the islamic terrorist state of Nigeria but the most civilized and the biggest mass movement recorded in history. Mazi Nnamdi Kanu remains one of the few individuals in the world that enjoy free visa entry to any country of his choosing which interestingly has helped him in building solid alliances for Biafra and creating new network of friends for her without which you're sunk. Who and who can we thank for these gestures? First is the Almighty God and next you already know.
So can one authoritatively say that Netanyahu has a soft spot for the dreadful to the ear Biafra and why? For me, the term soft spot in this case is erroneous because you must be a hardcore for you to garner the liver in doling out five million dollars to ensure that the satellite platform that enables the transmission of radio Biafra is solidified. The why is that Israel has a foreign policy that protects every Jewish community in the world. How explainable is the fact that our administrative office is headquartered in Germany but the one in Israel is more operational?
I'm not writing this to pique anybody's consciousness but rather to calm the nerves of my fellow comrades who are exuberantly worried over why our leader has not deployed the F-35 fighter jets 😀😀and numerous other military hardwware against the Nigerian state even in the face of provocation whereas he enjoys solid backing at least from the Jewish community. You must understand one point: before Africa was invaded by imperial powers, there was a roundtable meeting in Berlin and it's gonna take a semblance of such get-together before you can do anything. Don't get it twisted. Netanyahu and Putin were pivotal in the coming of Trump's presidency. Trump was instrumental in the crowning of Boris Johnson who happens to be a jew. Can't you smell what God is cooking? This fight is 97 percent diplomatic. I've always maintained that our problem is not these unwashed almajiris but the aliens that see Nigeria as their private business venture. Cut them off diplomatically, you coast home with victory. Ask yourself this: if something heavy wasn't going underground, why would Atiku and Osinbajo be pleading for unity? Do you have information more than them? Already, IPOB is preparing for a one million man march in America in solidarity to Trump's reelection next year.

Recently Israel launched into airspace Amos-17 satellite which video I shared on this wall that will cover Africa. Why? Israel is very interested in Africa but that interest will begin with a people.