By Okwunna Okongwu (Lagos Writers)
Edited and Published by Joseph Afokwalam
We must continue to depict the atrocities and abominations of the
representatives of Satan here on earth called Britain, both pictorially and
The greed, covetousness, barbarism, ruthlessness and brutality of Britain has
pushed predatory Britain into doing the most reprehensible and unimaginable,
just to confiscate people's resources, just for their own survival and
This uncontrollable appetite and addiction to living on the sweat and blood of
others made Britain become so desperate that they went about the whole world,
unleashing mayhem in the form of mindless mass murder on various nations
(genocide), to the point that Britain became synonymous with genocide.
The pathetic, pitiable, and painful
cases of Australia, Bangladesh, China, and India are still fresh in mind, as
Britain attempted to wipe out, or literally wiped out a significant percentage
of the populations, either for acquiring or appropriating their resources, or
occupying, possessing, and inheriting their land in perpetuity (as in
But the most recent of the British atrocities, of which the impact is still
reverberating all over the world, is the British genocide against Biafra,
(which Britain used Nigeria to commit, and misled the world into branding the
Biafra genocide as the Nigeria civil war), in which Britain murdered over 6
million Biafrans, using heavy weaponry from Russia, and "starvation as a
weapon of war".
It must be clarified and emphasized that why Britain would go into this
mindless massacre of Biafrans, using Nigeria as a cover, was to subdue,
suppress, and silence Biafra, while using the cover of ONE NIGERIA to acquire,
occupy, and possess the land of Biafra, with its enormous natural resources,
while blockading Biafrans from the benefit of the blessedness of their land.
This is the meaning of the criminal British maxim called ONE NIGERIA.
It is because of this one Nigeria that Britain has been foisting all kinds of
absurdities on the evil enclave called Nigeria, especially imposing savages,
barbarians, and anarchists as leaders of the fraudulent concoction called
Nigeria so that they can easily use the beasts for their dirty job of endless
killing of Biafrans.
It is also because of the aberration called one Nigeria
that Britain that "brought
Christianity to Biafra" would insist that
the Muslims who constitute an existential danger to Christians, would be forced
to coexist in the same cage (country) with Christians.
It is the same criminal hypocrisy of one Nigeria
that would make Britain
to heavily arm the Muslims that rejected their "Christianity" to wipe
out the Biafrans that wholly, wholesomely, wholeheartedly, and holistically
accepted their "Christianity".
It is equally this wickedness called one Nigeria
that would make Britain resist
vehemently and resiliently the Biafra call for a referendum, to enable or
facilitate a peaceful separation from the toxic cauldron called Nigeria.
This, the parasitic and predatory Britain is shamelessly doing, despite its own
recent #Brexit and Scotland
But the most mind-boggling act of desperation, which remains as unprecedented
as it is monumental, and which will undoubtedly be the Waterloo of Britain, is
the current act of impunity, daylight robbery, dehumanization, and disdain,
which the British forgery and imposition of a foreign impostor as a president
on Nigeria represents.
For the avoidance of ambiguity or any confusion of any kind, let it be stated
clearly that Muhammadu Buhari, who, despite being a treasonable felon,
certificateless candidate, and World known terrorism sponsor, was imposed on
Nigeria as president, by Britain, died in January 2017.
Because of the vested economic
interest of Britain in Nigeria (which centers mainly on Biafra OIL AND GAS),
Britain went and recruited a Buhari's look alike, (Jubril Aminu from Sudan),
performed some plastic surgery on him, and brought him, through the gangsters
(Nigeria government) that act as their agents, to impersonate the late Buhari,
and work in his stead.
This heinous crime by the barbaric and predatory British government is
currently raising hazardous dust all over the world. The possibility of Britain
surviving the catastrophic effects of this international impunitious robbery is
very remote if it exists at all.
As it can be seen by keen observers, the incoherence, the disharmony, the
unsettlement, the disjointedness, the dislocation, and the confusion that have
presently enveloped evil Britain, as well as their abominable creation,
Nigeria, are a confirmation of their march to their grave.
Because of these and other numerous unmentioned acts of British inhumanity, Britain remains irreversibly and irrevocably
cursed, as the world will CERTAINLY WITNESS the doom that will befall murderous
Biafrans cannot afford not to keep in focus the forthcoming Biafra referendum,
which every Biafran must work relentlessly for the success, as well as the
charade called election in the evil forest called Nigeria, which must be given
a 100% BOYCOTT.
God bless Ikemba Nnewi, Odumegwu Ojukwu.
God bless Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.
God bless Biafra and Biafrans.
Come quickly Oh Biafra!
The Murder Of A Nigerian
In Sudan Exposes
The Incompetence Of Nigeria
Intelligence Agencies
By Nwabunwanne David (Abia Writers)
Edited by Chidi Aloysius Nwosu
Nigeria intelligence, what are you doing about the
disappearance of your colleague the Consular General in the Nigerian Embassy in
what really happened and what is happening now?
It is an impeccable truth that with right intelligence outfit,
outstanding of a country, citizens shall know the direction things are drifting
to, like in every other state of the World. It is a heinous crime that
overnight a Diplomat of an outstanding nation like Nigeria, the largest black
nation of the World, was murdered in faraway Sudan.
Without doubt nor mincing words, the
populace depends on and are expecting the Nigeria Intelligence Agencies to come
up with results and the conclusions of the very assiduous matter and
investigation that would come up with perfect results. The doubt the people
have today depends wholly on the intelligence outfit on her disposal because it
will be stinkingly appalling that dependable Nigeria intelligence could not
come up with solutions or a position to calm the restlessness of the time. Nigeria is
in a total mess. Nigeria, with her paraphernalia and power, still Sudan
swallowed up a Diplomat of the most massive black nation of the World, and the
biggest country in Africa. What more will I say?
A US-based Saudi Journalist and writer was maimed and killed
in the Saudi consular office in Turkey,
in the person of Jamal Khashoggi. The assiduous work of Turkey
intelligence was so much outstanding that it couldn't be suppressed, and
attracted the attention of the World. It will be funny, total embarrassment,
and catastrophic if this issue is not well investigated. It will be a big slap
to the Nigeria Intelligence Agency.

Deep fear may fall upon the Diplomats around the globe if
nothing is done now to curb the situations. It may become a culture of
countries and lost of reputations before the rest of World that a Diplomat
could be killed and no communique or report from the host country nor Nigeria. It is
worthwhile for the country intelligence agents to do a great job of
investigation to come up with an excellent outcome, that will instil confidence
to the populace. What happened in Sudan,
is a mess that can't happen to any other country like the United States of America nor the Jewish State of
Isreal, even South Africa, because their
intelligence Agencies will dig out the mess and expose it to the limelight.
Now, if the Nigeria security system is still sceptical, it
means Nigeria is in delusion of good security system, and by the way, why did
they have to claim the giant of Africa, when her intelligence unit is still in
a sorry state, and the life of every citizen is nothing to write home about.
Nigeria intelligence should do their job for the perfect results, to let the
Federal government come up with communique or report in the very shortest period.

The conclusive
strategic decision of the President of the United
States of America, Mr. Donald John Trump, on Africa in his foreign policy trust, is really
informative. His dexterity and courageous approach to hurting issues are quite
commendable. It is however expedient to bring to his notice that the only
veritable action he could take in the face of damning evolving circumstances,
is to facilitate modalities of totally dissolving the Nigerian contraption.
This will effectively salvage the entire African continent, thereby, getting
his name permanently engraved in human history. Nigeria, it must be noted, has
posited herself as the greatest impediment to economic growth, social
development, security excellence and a stagnating cog in the overall progressive
advancement of the continent. The obsolete economic grading and the prevalent
feudalistic political system in the country, have continued as heightened
attainment by Africa because Nigeria
has over the years, constituted herself as obstruction to the development of
the African continent. With Nigeria
as a geographical entity situated within Africa, the continent will
persistently pose a liability to foreign aid program of the United States of America,
instead of positively making contributions to the progressive development of
global community. Africa in the next millennium, will continue to grapple with
under-development, as long as Nigeria
remains undissolved. And should the anticipated be actualised, the African
continent will be greatly relieved with corresponding and rapid wave of all
encompassing progressive advancements.
Premised on this background therefore, it is important for
President Trump to be duly informed that the creator of Nigeria which is Britain,
did not contrapt the three sharply divergent nations of Biafra,
Arewa and Oduduwa as an entity to engender positive productivity and progress,
but for the sole purpose of massaging her crass economic interests. This was
the fundamental agenda behind the British colonial expedition in some parts of
the continent where her tentacles were established. Great
Britain forcefully merged the three different indigenous
nations of Biafra, Arewa and Oduduwa within the West African sub-region, to
facilitate her accessibility to the Atlantic Ocean while transiting raw
materials from any of these component areas, ranging from Arewaland down to the
Bight of Biafra for onward shipment to the United Kingdom. The British
colonial explorers led by Fredrick Lugard, envisioned it then that if they were
to establish Biafraland, Arewaland and Oduduwaland as three separate colonies,
it would be really daunting to transport agricultural materials like rubber,
cotton, groundnuts, zinc, tin, etcetera, through Bight of Biafra/Oduduwa
territories from Arewaland to the Atlantic Ocean.
The colonialists encountering transportation difficulties in the pre-colonial
West Africa, opted for the cynical amalgamation of the British Southern
Protectorate which comprised of Biafraland and Oduduwaland with the much older
Northern Protectorate made up of Arewaland of Hausa kingdoms, Fulani invaders
from the Sahara desert and other minor tribes of the North, to form the
concoction being referred to up till date, as Nigeria. The British colonial
overlords never put into cognisance, the devastating effect of such an
arrangement on the innocent civilian population of the indigenous nations
forcefully merged together.
It will really interest the US President, Mr. Donald Trump, to
understand that even during the years of the British rule between 1914 and
1960, political power was handed to the Fulani oligarchy who served as
the British stewards. The Arewa indigenous people who were angered by this
amalgamation arrangement continually revolted even at the presence of the
colonialists. Their defiant revolt culminated into the unfortunate gruesome
massacre of hundreds of Biafrans in Jos riots of 1945. Few years afterwards and
precisely in 1953, there existed yet another revolt against the amalgamation by
the Arewas in Kano
which claimed the lives of hundreds of Igbos (Biafrans). Perpetrators of this
heinous crime were not however brought to justice by the British colonial
admisistrators. In the year 1957, another atrocious revolt was staged by the
same Northern inhabitants against the merger. This took place in Bauchi against
the contraption which has Biafrans and Oduduwas whose value systems were at
variance with theirs as co-inhabitants. They saw it as an arrangement that
would precipitate obstruction to and corruption of their Islamic/Sharia religious
tenets. There is predominant connection in all these ugly developments as
those Igbo (Biafrans) killings, in the North defined the aversion of the Arewas
to the co-inhabition in one country. Unfortunately, the British colonial
entrepreneurs esteemed their economic convenience over and above the overall
welfare of humanity in the West African sub-region who were forced into an
amalgamated Nigeria.
This has become a destructive stigma and an impediment to human, institutional
and infrastructural development in the African continent.
Now that the courageous, truthful, indefatigable and highly
principled President of the United States of
America, Mr. Donald Trump has beamed his foreign policy
light on Africa, as publicly stated during his media parley with Prime Minister
Theresa May of Britain in London, there seems to be
a glimmer of hope. The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) worldwide, under the
leadership of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, wish to bring to the awareness of the US President, that the greatest level of
injustice orchestrated by the British government, was to cynically leave Nigeria in a criminally amalgamated structure as
it pulled back it's businesses from West Africa.
Every other colonially-induced devastation inflicted on the people nonetheless,
the colonialists ought to have dissolved the Nigerian amalgamated structure and
returned the indigenous people to their originality, habitatwise. The Arewas
revolts in the North showcased their blunt displeasure with the amalgamation
policy in Nigeria.
Apart from the fact that few members of the Northern ruling class profiteered
from the status quo, it has brazenly resulted in senseless killings of unarmed
and non-violent Christian/non-Christian farming population through the evil
activities of Boko Haram terrorists, Fulani killer herdsmen, terrorists of the
Islamic States of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) West Africa, amongst other armed
bandits under the sponsorship, patronage and protection of the Nigerian
government via it's armed forces.
President Donald
Trump should courageously engrave his name on the gold of human history by
mandating the Nigerian government to organize a referendum for all the
indigenous people within the Nigerian federation to ascertain their fate in the
continued existence of One-Nigeria. This step cannot be strenous for the US President
and his global allies to undertake based on the fact that the increasing wave
of agitations in the country, coupled with persistent terrorist attacks on the
people, clearly serve as platforms for the outright dismemberment of country.
Mr. Donald Trump should fully understand that Nigeria
is presently plaguing the continent of Africa
which only the powers of the western world can squarely counter. The greatest
indelible mark in the history of the 21st century, is the US President's strategic program which will
precipitate the total dissolution of Nigeria, thereby saving precious
African souls. The ability of the United States to instigate this
much anticipated development is never in doubt. It is chronicled that Washington was instrumental to the peaceful dissolution
of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic
(USSR), about four decades ago. It is therefore unthinkable that the peaceful
dissolution of the Nigerian contraption for the progress of Africa
will pose any difficulty. Obviously, Britain could be seen standing
behind the evil Nigerian federation purely for egocentric reasons. But this
self-serving interest of the British government must not be placed over and
above the destiny and overriding well-being of over one hundred and eighty
million of civilian population within West Africa.
President Donald Trump is just few days away from making history if only he can
fully comprehend the implications of his action and inaction in the entire
circumstance. He must have to take appropriate steps to salvage Africa and her people as he dives into his outlined
strategic policy trust for the continent.
Biafrans are unequivocally demanding independence from the defunct
Nigeria federation so that
peace, progress and security can permanently be restored in West
Africa. There cannot be tranquility and development in an
environment bedevilled with lawlessness, tyranny, incessant secession threats,
terrorist attacks, decimation of Christian and non Christian farmers, wantom
destruction of properties, gross civilian victimization and injustice. Africa is already at the crossroads, hopefully waiting
and watching out for the triumphing Trump to institute appropriate actions for
the betterment of humanity in this part of the world.
Written by Mazi Onyebuchi Eze
Edited by Peter Oshagwu
For Family Writers Press
Understanding Ourselves And
The Need To Restore Biafra
By Eziokwu Bụ Ndụ
What you guys don't know
is that majority of Yoruba people will gladly vote for Buhari come 16th
February 2019. That is what they mean when they say they are politically
sophisticated. That's the game of politics they play. They will deliver Buhari.
They will also make sure they use their Media to inform the world that the
election was free and fair.
Their believe is that come
2023, Fulani will reciprocate and give them to power. They understand that with
the current structure and constitution Nigeria operates, a Yoruba/Northern
coalition will forever keep the duo in power, leaving out the East. This is why
I keep telling people that Yoruba people sees restructuring exactly the way
HausaFulani sees it. It's a hindrance to them. It will reduce their oil intake,
just as it will do the North and as well stop the monopoly they hold over
seaports and airports in Nigeria.
The Fulani is your
problem, same with Yoruba. Stop getting fooled by the few that speaks against
tyranny and preach Oduduwa republic. They are nothing compared to other Yoruba
people. We must understand the genetic make-up of a Yoruba, if truly we want to
free ourselves from Nigeria. Genetically speaking, a typical Yoruba has no mind
of his own. Strong men like Oba or political Lords thinks for them. It is an
act of respect to believe these people, even when they are wrong. Baba knows
more than us. We must follow him. That's why they follow Tinubu and will still
vote for Buhari. Remember what happened in Lagos. The Governor was everything
for them, until he felled out with Tinubu. Immediately the love of Yoruba
people for him turned to hate.
This Yoruba trait can't be
found in the life of an Igbo, Ijaw, Efik, Oron etc. We respect our leaders only
when they are standing on a reasonable logic, justice and truth. Umu Ada in
Igbo land is powerful only when they are standing on the platform of truth.
They are nothing without justice. Igbo si na asọkata eze anya é kpuru nkata n'isi gwa ya okwu. Meet
any Igbo around you for interpretation. We are totally different from the
people of the Northern and Western Nigeria. I see deep similarity between these
people. We should stop trying to form an alliance with those that are
completely different from us. Those that glory in cheating and betrayal. Those
that joined enemies to kill you after you moved to save them.
The HausaFulani and Yoruba
hate restructuring. Remember when Mazi Nnamdi Kanu came out from prison. Was it
not the Yoruba Media that started shouting RESTRUCTURING? It was just a ploy to
bury the message of freedom of Nnamdi Kanu. Didn't they stop immediately Nnamdi
Kanu was nearly killed in the Python dance that followed. This people need One
Nigeria and you must work towards leaving ONE NIGERIA for Yoruba and
HausaFulani to enjoy. Our inability to place the Yoruba where they belong is
our greatest undoing. Stop dreaming of the unity of the South. There isn't no
South. We have East alone.
The spirit of the East
must be resurrected. That spirit that bounded our forefathers together without
inter ethnic and tribal wars. We must eschew the lies of the the Nigeria
establishment. We must address that that divides us and try understanding
The proposed Confederate
state of Biafra settles everything for us. The problem is that those that are
against Biafra have refused to listen, hear and think about the type of
government Biafra offers.
Confederation can be defined as a union or alliance of states or political
organizations. In confederacy government the component units or regional units
are allowed to follow their separate developmental agenda as dictated by the
conditions prevailing in their backyard. In contrast to the unitary government
form, the confederacy has the states to act as the decision-making body. Thus,
legislation and execution has been divided between the local and provincial
governments. While it minimizes the central growth, it should reduce the risk
of becoming a tyranny or dominant union. This is exactly what Biafra offers.
Looking at Nigeria and
what Nigeria offers, is it not better we fight for our freedom by restoring
Biafra. Those that fear domination should insist on the proposed confederation
or nothing, where they can author their lives the way they wanted. This is the
most reasonable thing to do. And also insist on having a constitution that
Drop your ego, let's work
together for the restoration of Biafra.
God bless Biafra and
God bless Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.
May Death not see us in
this tyrannic February. Be safe! Boycott the already rigged election.
How Nigeria Government Requested For Mass-
Shooting Of Protesting IPOB Activists In
South Africa
Written By Paul Ihechi Alagba
For Family Writers Press International.
Nigeria's High Commissioner to South Africa
has been fingered as the architect of the mass-shooting of members of the
Indigenous People Of Biafra during a town hall meeting attended by Nigeria's
president, Muhammadu Buhari in South Africa on Thursday October 3, 2019.
Eye witness reports gathered by Family
Writers Press confirmed that dozens of IPOB members were wounded and one person
arrested, as the activists protested against the reported impersonation of
Nigeria president, Muhammadu Buhari by one Sudanese 'Jubril Al-Sudani', as well
as the persistent extrajudicial killings and incarceration of innocent people
across Nigeria.
The protest which was largely peaceful
quickly spiraled into chaos as Nigeria ambassador approached South African
government and security officials and solicited for the use of brute force to
stop the protesters.
"We were doing our peaceful thing, the
South African Police they came in, they tried to listen to us concerning what
is going on regarding Jubril the imposter, because we're telling them that the
man there is not Buhari and we divided ourselves into two parts because we used
the other entrance and another entrance so that we can be able to penetrate
in," IPOB activist who participated in the protest narrated.
"We penetrated in, then while we were
doing our normal thing, there is no problem, everything was going well,
everything was moving fine until the High Commissioner came down and tried to
tell the Police to shoot us, why must they listen to what we're talking. When
they tried to shoot us, one of our coordinator rushed to hold him. While he was
rushing him to hold him, they started shooting us rubber bullet gun. Many of
our members got injury, many of our members they shot to them at the leg, many
of them broke their legs. We have their names. That is what happened. At the
end, we took some of our members to hospital, the one in Police station we went
to visit him," he said.
Meanwhile, Mazi Innocent Aliam, coordinator
of IPOB family in Western in Western Cape who also participated in the protest
gave his own account of the pathetic episode.
"When we arrived at the venue, there was
a lot of security personnel including about five DSS officers. We first
cooperated with the Police and were allowed into the hall after interrogations.
We noticed that the Nigeria government officials are already weary and prepared
to thwart our moves. They became desperate to push us out, but we refused
because we noticed that they want to sneak Buhari out. So when they started
assaulting us physically, all our members brought out their Biafra flags and
unveiled their Biafra customised clothes.
That is when the Police that were pushing us
left us and gave us go-ahead because there is nothing they can do again.
Immediately the Biafra flags appeared, everywhere became quiet. So we continued
talking and everybody was listening to us. We praised the South African
government and Police. Then after about one hour, thirty minutes, we got
information that Jubril has been sneaked out and about to leave with his
entourage. So we then became angry because we were blockaded from carrying out
our mission. However throughout our stay in the hall, there is this man known
as Nigeria High Commissioner who caused the whole trouble. He was busy walking
around making calls.
He is the one that told the South African
Police to shoot at us and disperse us. So when he noticed that everyone have
started leaving, he also wanted to leave and enter his car, but Biafrans rushed
towards him and controversies started. That is how we started hearing gun shots
everywhere. Our comrade that led us who was arrested had the opportunity to
walk away, but he was confident and has a clear conscience and lion heart. So
our people surrounded him and asked the South African Police to arrest all of
us instead. There were so many volunteers who wanted to be arrested alongside
with him. That is when the shooting started and a lot of people were beaten and
Our comrade that was arrested is a hardcore,
before we get to the police station, he has already started preaching and
convincing everybody there about Biafra, and most of them were already
following up with what is going on through the internet and gave us
encouragement. The case will be taken to court tomorrow morning(Friday) of
which all IPOB members will be there," he concluded.
No money for the project. ~~FG.
No Funds To Rehabilitate ENUGU AIRPORT'S Runway" - FG
But There Was Funds For Abuja, Lagos, Kaduna,
Kano Airports When They Wanted To Rebuild And Rehabilitate It. The gullible
South East folks and their Southern counterparts would explain this one way.
Buhari has subtly closed the only
international airport, which the South East has, and only upgraded from being a
local airport by Goodluck Jonathan adminstration.
Suddenly, the Nigerian government of
Muhammadu Buhari could not find fund to do the runway of Dr Akanu Ibiam
International Airport. What a joke he is making of the Igbo and their people.
I wonder how these so-called Igbo leaders
reason and sleep at night with obvious derelictions connected to them.
So, the money for a runway for the only and
not even an international standard airport, which is the only one funded by the
immediate past adminstration is nowhere within the coffers of the federal
government of Buhari, but the same willingly pledged N1bn to Miyetti Allah.
I love the fact that Buhari is poking into
the eyes of the Igbo people in such brash manner to let some morons who refused
to see or hear or read the handwriting on the wall, to at least, read, see and
The man has been bold enough to show the
South East region that he can do anything he wants with them and there is
nothing anyone, except Nnamdi Kanu and IPOB can do.
Where is the second Niger bridge their
vuvuzelas trumpeted just during the election campaign. The few morons in the
region, who have failed to see, hear and read, jumped up and danced.
To fool some gullibles, he closed down Akanu
Ibiam International Airport and approved Ebonyi state to build an international
airport in the state.
Usually, International Airports are built by
the federal government, but the people of South East must build their own with
their own state resources.
It took the federal government, with the help
of oil money from the old Eastern region, days to upgrade Kaduna airport before
the runway at Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport’s runway was to be
But now, it comes to rebuilding a single
runway at Enugu Airport, the same government of Buhari has no more funds to do
that of Enugu.
I still wonder why other Nigerians get
obnoxiously angry that the Igbo feel not part of this country and say that the region
is grossly marginalized.
I love what Buhari and his cabal are doing,
they make the job of those pushing for Biafra very simple and easy.
© Ike A. Offor
Oppressors Will Never
In Your
One thing that is common with oppressors is
that they don't believe that those they oppress will ever get freedom. The
biblical Egypt never believed that Israelites will ever secure freedom. They
flogged, beat and humiliated them. The Europeans and Americans never believed
there will be a day the African-Americans will ever gain freedom, vote and be
given equal right with the whites. Sudan who impoverished South Sudanese never
believed a day will come when South Sudan will sing their own national anthem.
Ethiopians never believed Eritrea will ever become a sovereign nation. Likewise
the apartheid by White people in South-Africa who thought that the black
South-Africans will forever remain their slaves. These things are very common
with the oppressors.
The other day I traveled from Imo state to
Aba, and from Aba to Onitsha. I noticed that no federal road in South East is
in good shape. Umuahia/Aba express way, Aba/Owerri Express way, Onitsha/Owerri
Express way, Enugwu/Onitsha Express way, etc, are all in horrible shapes. They
are death traps littered with deep potholes. The region is denied seaport,
international airport and railway. There is absolutely no federal government
presence. Go to the west and north, and you will see multi-laned federal roads.
But the East can't boast of ordinary dual lane of road.
When you log in to the internet or listen to
news, you hear northerners and some Yoruba people say, Ndi Igbo will continue
being their slaves. They tell whoever cares to listen that an Igbo man will
never become President. They are totally confident that they will continue
marginalizing the Igbo and Biafrans in general and nothing will happen. Some of
them are always quick to brag that Biafra will never come. Some will callously
tell you to ask your fathers what they did to them. They boast that they will
repeat it over and over again. They are actually saying that they will repeat
the pogrom that saw the killing of more than 50 thousand Easterners and the genocide
of over 3.5 million Biafrans, just like they did in 1966/70.
Brothers, when you hear these things from
these people, just remember that some Americans said it, yet today we have
black freedom in America. White people in South Africa bragged how they will
forever humiliate the blacks, yet today black majority is ruling over them.
Sudan and Ethiopia claimed how South Sudan and Eritrea will never be free, yet
today both nations are free.
Oppressors will never believe you can make it
to freedom. Believe me when I say it, in the nearest future, if at all their
will be Nigeria, Biafra won't be a part of such a country. They will never
understand your determination. Don't forget they said you love money and can't
lock up your shops, yet millions of people locked up shops and went to every of
Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's rallies, using their monies. They said you are not united,
yet you all obeyed series of sit at home order from one man without political
power or monetary inducement. They said Nnamdi Kanu can't come down to Nigeria,
he came defeated them in their court and prison, subdued their soldiers and
without their useless passport he made it to Israel, and today, he tours the
entire world preaching Biafra. They said your Biafra is a Facebook country, yet
IPOB have been protesting worldwide and ready to pay huge sacrifice for the
sake of the country they believe in.
They will never believe, but just as the fake
Buhari congratulated Ethiopia and Eritrea for their peace treaty, many African
countries will one day congratulate Biafra and Nigeria (comprising of
HausaFulani and Yoruba) for respecting the right to self determination.
It is a matter of time.
Article Written by Elochukwu Nicholas Ohagi
Edited By Paul Ihechi Alagba
For Family Writers Press International
The Biafra
At first, when Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe
began to show his full support for his people, despite standing as a guarantor
to Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, many of us still had our reservations on him because
inasmuch as Nigeria is concerned, no politician is worthy of trust.
But as time passes by, Enyinnaya Abaribe
proved to us that not all politicians in Nigeria are bad eggs. He proved beyond
every iota of doubt that he truly shares our pains and vision. He was the only
South-East politician who stood up on the 13th of April 2018 onthe floor of the
senate house and accused Jubril-Buhari of gross incompetence..
He said "This chamber has discussed the
killings in Nigeria," Abaribe began. "I recall that on the matter of
herdsmen and farmers’ clashes, two explanations were given by highly ranked
security. The inspector general of Police said that these killings were as a
result of laws being passed by states.
“Secondly, the defence minister said these
killings were as a result of the blockage of grazing routes. And we continued
to look at all these explanations.
“Yesterday, in London, the commander-in-chief
and president of Nigeria, President Muhammadu Buhari said that these killings
were as a result of the people who were trained by Muammar Gaddafi, implying
that these people who are doing the killings in Nigeria are invaders from
outside of Nigeria.
“If so, it validates my last point that when
a commander-in-chief says he cannot take care of invaders, why is he still a
commander-in-chief? Why do we still continue to indulge this president that
goes around to tell everybody outside this country that he is totally
incompetent? It is obvious.
Not only that, Abaribe on September 29, 2017
slammed the Federal Government of Nigeria for declaring IPOB and Mazi Nnamdi
Kanu terrorists. He said " I feel it is too strong a gambit to use. We
feel that you cannot kill a fly with a sledge-hammer. “You cannot proscribe a
group of people; you cannot leave glaring evidence of those who actually work
against the unity of this country, those who are actually killing people.Those
who are actually taking up arms against this country and then you turn around
and say that these people have a potential to do so, therefore you now go ahead
to declare them a terrorist organization with the implications for this country
that are very glaring.”
So you see, Abaribe has proven beyond just
mere words that he truly share the pains and intimidations meted against
Biafrans and today, every single member of IPOB loves him to the core.
Finally, my point here is that Biafrans are
not sadists who goes around making enemies more than friends. If you want our
love and respect, show us through words backed with actions that you're for us
and not against us. Don't hide behind words to show your hypocrisy. Today you
praise us, tomorrow you make a satirical comment. We know the real enemies and
also the real friends.
Written by;
Mazi Victor Uzoaganaobi
[TBRV Writer]
For The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV
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